
Where are you?
Poopie was going home for a couple days.....
Thought that she would be back by now.
Where are you Y......
Oh, thanks tina...my mom was in the hospital since last week and I just noticed I didnt see her posting anywhere. Was gone myself.
How is your mom doing now? I know things were getting better is she home yet......
Yes, she is home. She is depressed because she just doesn't feel right ya know. Always fighting for air...plus she quit smoking and its the only "bad" thing she did so I think she is mourning that. It was a very, very scary thing. She is on day 9 w/ not smoking.

My sister is coming into town so that will change the atmosphere if you know what I mean. People places...Thanks for asking.
Hey -

Hope I'm not popping in. Wendy, I'm so glad your Mother has stopped for 9 days - the cigarettes. I hope and pray she can do it permanantly. My Father did after his stroke but he said it was b/c the price of them went up again. I told him that I didn't care why, just glad he quit, I know it gave him more time.

I don't know from experience but 2 oldest brothers and both parents (and 2 husbands - haha) smoked and some - it seems just can't quit. My husband now 49, quit when he was 28, high BP and panic attacks. He told me about a month after he quit - it took him about 5 tries - that every cigarette he smoked would make his chest hurt and he was only 28!
My bother who just got back to work started back smoking within 3 weeks of open heart surgery. They told him if he started back, they could do nothing for him. I pray they were trying to scare him straight but I don't know. He tells me that he can't quit. He's only 58.

Anyway, I am glad your Mother's home and like you say, with your sister coming, always anything to take someone's mind off s'thing helps.

Wish her well.
Love you, Jean
Thanks Jean. Im pretty proud of her, my son even called her today to give her an atta girl. If it is any consolation my uncle has had like three massive heart attacks and surgery's with I think everything you can operate on and he is still kickin....Maybe your brother will be the same way?

How did your dad die again?
I am glad to here that she is home. Her breathing should improve as time goes on, even stopping leaves you sometimes short of breath......I know how she feels about giving it all up, I am not looking forward to it, but it has to be done.......Figuring cookies and cakes will be a good replacement.......
Have a great night....
I got her TONS of gormet (sp) Jelly bellies. All the different flavors. Has helped. Nite
Hey Wendy,

My (perfect) Daddy was a picture of health but never went to the doctor. We grew up with Mother coking the Southern B'fast - fried e'thing for supper (e'one did back then in the South) and they both smoked so he had a blockage that moved to his brain. Could operate but would do no good b/c that side of his brain had died w/o oxygen too long.

His left side was partially paralyzed. What kiled this workaholic was that he could not work. He had a hard time 'til I had my youngest. He was sweet to all g'children but worked all the time so didn't get to spend a lot of time with them.
Well, he did with Dave, and my 2 older boys, they moved close by and he would come over. I wish he would have stayed with us but Mother wouldn't have allowed it.

The guys at work bought my un-coordinated Daddy a bike. He rode that bike for 2 hours at a time and then when they moved closer - busier area, he walked at least 2 hours a day. Backing up, my brother called the DR while daddy was
still in the hospital and DR told my brother that at his age - having a massive stroke, a heart attack usually followed within 3 months. Scared us to death. The DR said that Mother and Daddy didn't want to hear this. I really think that Bike and the walking kept him going another 11 years and he drove, only the limp and his arm held in a certain way. His facial features were the same.
He had another massive stroke at 63 and didn't make it. That was 14 year ago, on Nov. 7th, same day that my cousin died.
David and I were going to get married so many years ago on that that b/c it was the day between our b'days - thank God we didn't.

He did have quality of life mostly about the 9 years in between.

Hope you're Mother does very well.

Thank for info on open heart surgery. We can't change them and smoking must be the hardest.

Love you, Jean
Hey -

Sorry but I'm brand new at this.....don't know who I'm talking too - if anyone but If anyone reads this who had a problem with painkillers - I'm with you. Pls reply if so.....

Hey All -

I hope I'm not interupting on your message board. As I said - I've never done anything like this before. It only became a problem recently....and I was searching for a way out on my computer.....again my apologies.

Hi Chris, and welcome!

Why don't you post a new topic and share a little bit about yourself.