Positive Quote For The Day :)

Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there.
Norman Vincent Peale

Hmmm. My possibilities. I am in a cold, grey, gloom. You know the kind we have all been there. I have all these good things going on in my life. I met a guy, I am graduating on Saturday, I have a job offer for more money. All I see is the big GLOOMY thing called change. In my mind that is truley and awful word. Change. I get in rut and I have my past and I think nothing could possibly go right. I know I have been in worse places. If you read this you'd think she has some incredible stuff going on. In my mind I have been to hell and shook hands with the devil. Just for today I am going to think of the possibilites the good ones not the bad ones and it is going to take every effor that I have.
You met a guy!!!

How exciting!!

Come on now...do tell.

Trust me I can so relate...when I get to feeling this way. I think of something someone close to me when I was I kid said to me....I have never forgotten this. So strange how somethings just stick with you.

"I used to complain that I had no shoes....then I saw someone with no feet"

I hope things work out the way you want them to Jane. What do you want? How do you want things to work out? Have you asked yourself this? Sometimes we can over complicate things:)


I really like today's quote. Always try to see your possibilities. I will be going back to work after be a stay at home mom for the past ten years. It's scarey. But I am a little excited. It will be nice to have my own money again. It will be nice to interact with people again. I know how you feel about feeling like you've been through hell and shook hands with the devil. But I guess we can even use this as a positive thing. I think it makes us realize that we can handle just about anything. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
Thanks again for the daily positive qoutes. I really enjoy them.

Hey, and yes I met a guy. I am so excited he is unbelivevably nice. But (and I mean no offence by this to anyone reading) He has a MULLETT!!!! Yes you heard me right a MULLETT. I figure I can get a hair cut fairly easy and he is just very kind to me. So I will keep him for a while. I don't think I am going to make the change on the job yet. I figure a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. He gave me a dollar raise to stay. So I think I will just kick it here for a while. Its so easy going and I love the people so I will do what feels good just for today. I am going to take it easy on myself I already have to move and live some place else. I think the stress would kill me. Anywho. Love you thanks for checking and the black cloud has lifted for a while.