
"God created each of us in His own image. He put a little of Himself--His love, His grace, His power --in each of us. Unfortunately, this is the last place most of us think to look to find it." ~ Used with the kind permission of the author Dr. Walter Staples

Dear God,

Today I am resting in Your presence. There is no where I need to look for You; no special posture or position, no specific town or continent. There is no place better than any other place, for all are holy. There is nothing I can do or need to do to feel Your love.

The only thing I must do is open myself, surrender to what is. I accept Your grace. The truth is so simple God, maybe too simple for people accustomed to ever increasing complexity.

Right now, where and as I am, I invite You into my consciousness.

God, You are indeed amazing.

I love You.

Thank You so much for Your abiding presence.


user posted image

Aw...................................That was beautiful and inspirational as you always are. thanks for the lovely post
Thanks Sammy...Beautiful post and so very true...God is in each one of us and today I don't need to look any further than myself....

I had to laugh at this part...
The truth is so simple God, maybe too simple for people accustomed to ever increasing complexity.

We alcoholics/addicts sure can complicate the hell out of the most simplest things, huh? That's why I have Miss Katbird as one of my sponsors....LOL

Have a blessed day, my friend...
Lovin ya,