Question To The All The Ladies ??

Yes, I do have a daughter, she will be 2 in December.
Now I am on day 4 of the sub. treatment, I feel NO withdrawals at all, just a little head ache.
I have taking 4 pregnancy test , 2 were positive (pregnant) the other 2 were negative. My period is now 6 days late. I am never late more than a day! I was thinking maybe its all the stress and drugs that is causing me to be late. Then on the other hand why would 2 of those test come out positive? I am a complete mess. I just need to know NOW either way so I can deal with this. I am calling my obgyn first thing in the a. m and ask them if they can do a blood test (to see if I am pregnant) as soon as possible. Any advice is greatly welcomed. To be honest I feel like I am falling apart. My husband says he is positive that I am pregnant. He is happy either way. He really is my sole mate, I could not handle any of this without him :-)

Marina ~
When I read this I said wow that sounds like me! I did the same thing. I would say that the odds are you are pregnant. Some tests measure early in pregnancy some a few days later. There are false positives but they are rare. So you will know for sure with the bld test. Why does everytime it have to happen on a weekend??? This very same thing happened to me minus the sub. Sooooo hang in there. One more day!!! I know that at this point you are gonna be okay so I am happy for you as it sounds like you were wanting more kids just not quite yet. Trust the spirit's wisdom to come now. If it's here now then you are ready and will do everything possible to have baby and mama be healthy. It's gonna be alright you'll see. Hang in there.
After you call your your the doc that has you on the sub and ask him what the risks are to the fetus.

The sooner you get off of anything that can hurt your baby the better....your dr will know what's best.
congrats...sounds like your pregnant!! Now you can get 9 months of clean time!! LOL...
How are you feeling? I always knew right away, I have 3 kids...
Good luck!
Please let us know how it goes when you talk to obgyn doc okay?!!!
We wanna know. They may have to switch things around but it will be alright.
Keep in touch,
Thanks everyone, it so nice to have you on this journey with me how ever it may turn out ! :-)

Marina ~
Well, I called my OBGYN, and they said the Dr.'s won't see you until your two weeks after you were supposed to have gotten your period. Then I ask to speak to a nurse I didn't want to tell anyone but the dr. all the meds I am on for detox. I told the nurse all the meds I was taking (I didn't tell her why) I am sure she knows what those kinds of meds are for. Anyway they changed there minds really quick. I have an app. at 9:45 a. m tom.
still really scared

Marina ~