
Hi guys I have a question, My husband has been having joint pain we thought Lymes disease but he had all the blood work done and tests and is fine, He is always tired, And his muscles are sore, He has been clean now for 60 days can this be a form of withdrawl??? I was just wondering if anyone else has these symptoms. I just though I would ask. Thanks God Bless you all.Kim
sounds like withdrawl, it can go on for ages.
How old is your husband?

I found that I developed athrosis in my joints, maybe due to the calcium depletion from cocaine use.
Hummm interesting, He is 38 years old and has used since he was 21 off and on and has been clean for up to 5 years at a time.I notice a pattern though thats why I ask. Thanks Kim
Oh And he is very moody, and impulsive. He wants to open his own business, I want him to wait for a year, So we can see if he can stay clean, He gets so angry with me because I dont want to do this.His boss is selling his place for a lot of money ,we dont have that kind of money so he is dreaming if he thinks we could even consider it.Very unrealistic thoughts is that common too?He hates working for other people,He usually only last at a place for a short time, I however could stay at the same job for years. I may complain but I suck it up and keep going everyday, He will just get so nasty and hates his job, complains about how other people aren't working enough and he does it all. Dont get me wrong he is a very hard worker ,but No one is a good as him as he puts it.I try to be understanding with him because I know he probably going through withdrawl , He gets like this everytime. Then it gets better after a while.Do any of you go through this as well?Then he gets headaches and his muscles hurt he is always tired, I though maybe it is just stress but he brings the stress on himself because he hates his job and brings it all home with him, Thanks for listening Im glad I mcome here it helps to talk about this, I dont like to upset him with all this I try to talk to him but he gets defensive and will not listen to me,Thanks for the vent, Kim
Hey Kim,

Read the bipolar forum. Though I'm not sure it's him as I don't know what he was like before his addiction, but it may give you some insight.

I have trouble working for others too for the same reasons. Sounds arrogant probably but it's the truth. I think. Could be my bipolar talking.......

Dear Charmed, I have offend thought that too, He definatly has a mood disorder.Yesterday he was just fine . He wasn't upset about work at all. Didn't complain once.He gets in these moods for a few days then he is great for awhile sounds like bipolar to me too.I have said this to him as well. He really is a wonderful husband he is loving to my kids he treats them as if they were his own.The only problem is these moods.He is never nasty to me I dont want anyone to think that he is just very moody depressed and has all these aches and pains (only when he is in this mood) then when he is happy no more pains.So thats why I though it was withdrawl.But over all m very proud of him he has been clean now for 60 days after a relapse he was clean for 8 months before that.I know it must be hard for him I dont like to pick on him because Im afraid he might relapse again so I dont say too much to him that is why Im so glad I can come here,I love him with all my heart he is a great man, I just want to help him get better. I know he has to do it himself I understand the addiction. I just dont like to trigger anything he is very sensitive.It could take the smallest thing to set him off .He has been doing wonderful and I tell him all the time that i am proud of him.I think it is deeper though there is something going on up there in that head of his. I will find out too. God Bless Kim
"I dont like to pick on him because Im afraid he might relapse again"
Nothing you do or say will make him use or not use.
Sounds like you're walking on eggshells all the time.
Dear Guest,
Yes I am walking on eggshells, I am in fear everyday that he will relapse. Im being honest, thats what this place is for right? I mostly meant that I don't want to be a nag if he is doing well and not using I should try to be supportive of his feelings Im trying to be understanding for what he is going through.I wouldn't know because I never did drugs. I don't know the wrong or right thing to do. So I do what feels right to me and if it is not nagging at him then thats what I do.Trust me Im not perfect either I can get nasty and I do nag sometimes when he really gets me mad.Im not just a little puppy dog that sits back and takes it either.My main concern here is that there is something deeper with his addiction he is very moody so if I say something to him I don't want him to get more depressed not that i think he will go right out and do drugs because he isnt . But more of the change in mood is what im afraid of not that he hurts me because he would never hit or anything just that he gets very down. God Bless Kim
This is typical addictive behaviour. Addiction is a disease that has both physical and mental components. We can abstain from using however, unless we get help for our behaviours we are still very much in addiction and are at a great risk to relapse. He needs to get professional help for the behaviours associated with addiction. Does he go to any 12 step groups? My belief as a recovering addict and someone that now works with addicts is that a large number of addicts suffer from other issues, that may go undiagnosed such as, Depression, Bi-Polar, and so on. We can stop using for periods of time but are unable to function in society as a whole due to the mental illness....unable to hold a job...low self esteem...dysfunctional in relationships...emotional immature. Would he be open to NA, or a one on one counsellor to deal with ther eason he is addicted?