
Hey all! Just needed to talk. My brother just got out of rehab last week. He seems to be doing ok but his soon to be ex wife called my mom to tell her he was drinking again, which went along with his coke problem prior to rehab. He says he is not and that the bottle she found was one he had hidden and was getting rid of. How will we know. Especially since I live in another state than him. We are very close but I dont think he would tell me if he was. I know if he is drinking again it wont be long before he is doing coke again. Just venting and looking for some support!! Thanks guys.
The only thing you can do is Pray. If he f***s up again there isnt much you can do. You just have to love him. Is this his first time clean?

It is really tough to see someone that you love become so self destructive.....all you can do is give him the benefit of the doubt...part of recovery is learning to be honest with yourself and others...believe me it will work better if everyone trusts him and supports him and believes him...if he is using again he will not be able to live with the guilt of the lies, and watching people be so proud and encouraging of him and he will come clean. If he is clean he deserves to be given the chance to prove he is trying to change.
we are all definately supporting and encouraging him. Its just hard because he is so recently sober (just left rehab 2 weeks ago & was in for 5 weeks). I worry about him which I know is expected. I just feel better after hearing all of guys advice. It helps to vent to people who understand!!