
Lets post some quirks about ourselves. I'll go first
One of my quirks is I have to have my socks on when I eat ice cream
Another is I'm a chronic "checker" I check everything at least five times before I go to bed. Coffee, stove, ashtrays, garbage, lights, doors, kids. (yes in that order).
uuuhhh....I HAVE to stop at Starbucks, even if I am wired out of my brain if I pass it...
uhhhh...I will think about that...
oh, I know. Instead of writing in proper English, you know, peroid, capitals...
I have to do this......
OK, the main one is that I cannot sleep without my old, down feather pillow - I have to take it with me EVERYWHERE - you know out of town, etc.

Also, I CANNOT stand the smell of cigarette smoke and of course NOBODY can smoke in my house!!! I dont even own an ashtray! LOL Then - what really pisses people off and they call me a hypocrite is that if I have 1 or 2 drinks - I'll smoke like a chimeny - go figure!!

Briar.....you named my quirk I do the same thing, more so because I am last in bed. When I happened to go in before the hubby....I tell him to do it all, even though I checked anyway.....
Also I hate to go out and leave the house messy, want to make a good impression just in case I get robbed...........lmao
Hope you all are well today,
I guess one of my quirks would be Boo Boo Bunny,a stuffed rabbit my daughter and I share when we are sick or sad....other quirks are alittle more private....mj
I couldn't begin to write all of my quirks, but here goes...

I type my grocery list.... Not only do I type it, but I have it arranged by aisles (I know what aisle EVERYTHING is on).... It can't have any scratch outs or mistakes; has to be neat and perfect or I can't go shopping. I type all of my notes from school and color code everything.

Everything in my house has to be unplugged because I'm scared of fire.

When I clean house or fold clothes, I HAVE to do it in a certain order.... I put the clothes in certain spots in the living room until they're all done and THEN I put them away.

I can only use "good" ink pens - Pilot extra fine is the best

I have to put my makeup on in a certain order and HAVE to do my hair AFTER my makeup is finished

I read when I'm doing everything.... I keep magazines by the kitchen table, the bathtub, the toilet.... I can't straighten my hair w/o reading... I can't eat a snack without reading.

8 is my favorite number

Will think of more and post again in a little bit... have a brain freeze going on right now
What a great question...lol. I have so many that I will only say this: My sisters call me Rainsister....xoxox
I am obsessed with vacumming.!!
Have no idea how this started, but shortly after having my first child, i have to vacum the carpets, I have to vacum the same rooms about 3 or 4 times. if someone eles vacum's i have to do it again. Im a neat freak and i cant stand to see clutter or dirty things. I guess thats why the carpets have to be so clean.!!

Im glad someone started the post! I thought that i was the only one who did weird things like that.

I don't like candles unless that are away from the walls. When I was a kid, we had a fire caused by candles.
IM a clean nut and I take 2 showers a day and brush my teeth4 times aday and do luandry all day wash my dogs 2 times aweek is that kinda wierd or what love ya poopie
I know what you mean about the dog thing.
I just got mine and i wash her 2-3 times a week.
Im pretending its my new baby, my fiancee dosnt want anymore kids. Cant blame him though!!!

Your Friend,

Danny, it's funny that we have that in common....

I love candles but I only light them once a week to make the house smell good.... I put about 20 of them in the fireplace -it's beautiful and it's safe!

I freak out if someone leaves the toaster plugged in or leaves the oven on.... My husband gets so fed up with me worrying about all of this but I can't help it...

This is probably a little vulgar, but the other day I went in my sister's room b/c she was drunk and I had to help her boyfriend move her on the bed... and she was sleeping on top of her vibrator and the batteries had gotten so hot that they melted the part where the batteries are kept. I guess she fell asleep with it on... I got so upset because it was on her bed my son's room is next door to hers and all I could think of was that she's drunk and passed out and could have killed us all!

Once I calmed down, though, it WAS a funny story
Danielle- I'm cool with candles in the fireplace. I just don't like them on end tables or anywhere near the walls. My wife continually lights them there, and I blow them out. Kinda weird I guess. But she wasn't in a fire caused by candles. I love the smell of them too. I just don't like the smell of a wall burning..
I hear what you saying about being scared that your sister could have killed all of you.

But it was kind of funny! I laughed alittle at that.(sorry)

Your Friend, Christina
Hi YSpearing,

About brushing your teeth so many times a day just wanted to let you know that I know somebody who was just like that. Because she brushed her teeth so many times a day too she lost the enamel on her teeth and ended up losing all of her teeth because of it. Be careful with that. Could do more harm then good.

No Y, that is not wierd at all - if you get bored, tho, you are more than welcome to come to my house - there is always something to clean here! LOL :o) - Try having about ten neighborhood boys running in and out of your house all day!!! It,s somethimes very frustrating!!


BTW - Are you feeling with each passisng day?.i am so proud of you for doing it for yourself. you are one tough cookie and an adorable, cute loving one at that - What more could you ask for?