I wasn't even on the pills for 3 whole days,,,,and I feel so angry, it borders on rage. It is over the littlest things..I remember this from withdrawl. This is why I went to treatment, I almost couldn't control my behavior.
Anyone else understand what I am saying?
know I dont little but I would like to if you will elaborate.. I am confused... maybe i am having a blonde moment...
I get angry over the dumbest things. But it is as if I can't control my behavior. I was sneezing, and am not in full blown withdrawl, but don't feel right. I remember this from before. Remember, I was taking the vics for dental treatment...
maybe it is pms..
maybe it is pms..
gosh i must answer evey post, oh well i feel rage all the time but i have alot of stress in my life , no money, twins, ext,ext..
maybe i can suggest anger management, or a meeting to let out your feelings??
please take care of yourself, luv ya all, fellow addict!
maybe i can suggest anger management, or a meeting to let out your feelings??
please take care of yourself, luv ya all, fellow addict!
Everyone....we are all experiencing the same things. I am still confused. Sitting here at work trying so hard to work with numbers. I was just given a huge project and am not sure I can do it. Nobody around me has an idea what I am going through. My brain must really be messed up. I am so so scared I won't be able to be what I was before all of this. Could I be permanantly damaged. I'm scared. It is Day 9....why am I need feeling right? Help.
Kerry - I agree with fa that a meeting is a good idea to go and vent. Taking those pills for the dental work can really mess up our minds, and there's nothing like f2f to share and get support.
Kat - 9 days is great, but the cloudy head is still to be expected. I know that this past time thru the wd's I had to keep reminding myself not to have any grand expectations. Just getting thru each day was in and of itself a major accomplishment. It takes time...your body is still adjusting to life without the pills. Are you sleeping well? It wasn't until 2-3 weeks that my sleep started to return to "normal", whatever that is. Go easy on yourself. You're exactly where you're supposed to be.
Take care;
Kat - 9 days is great, but the cloudy head is still to be expected. I know that this past time thru the wd's I had to keep reminding myself not to have any grand expectations. Just getting thru each day was in and of itself a major accomplishment. It takes time...your body is still adjusting to life without the pills. Are you sleeping well? It wasn't until 2-3 weeks that my sleep started to return to "normal", whatever that is. Go easy on yourself. You're exactly where you're supposed to be.
Take care;
oh my gosh....i have issues with anger management...lol....the classes piss me off!! Just a stupid joke.
Kat, hang in there, honey...
You will make it through..
I remember feeling like that....I thougth I was crazy...or had permantly fried my brain..
It gets better. Just please be kind to yourself. It will take time, but you are doing the best thing for yourself...
Somedays it is better, I can function at capacity..
You will make it...
Kat, hang in there, honey...
You will make it through..
I remember feeling like that....I thougth I was crazy...or had permantly fried my brain..
It gets better. Just please be kind to yourself. It will take time, but you are doing the best thing for yourself...
Somedays it is better, I can function at capacity..
You will make it...
Hey Kerry;
You must be doing okay if you can laugh at you own shortcomings! I don't know why but this reminds me of a Seifeld episode when George gets all worked up because a friend who's new to recovery is doing Step 9 (James Spader I think) but doesn't make amends to George for a crack he made in the past about how funny he looked pulling his head thru a sweater (or something like that...) Anyway, eventually George ended up at an anger management 12 step meeting and just lost it.
You gotta laugh, right?
You must be doing okay if you can laugh at you own shortcomings! I don't know why but this reminds me of a Seifeld episode when George gets all worked up because a friend who's new to recovery is doing Step 9 (James Spader I think) but doesn't make amends to George for a crack he made in the past about how funny he looked pulling his head thru a sweater (or something like that...) Anyway, eventually George ended up at an anger management 12 step meeting and just lost it.
You gotta laugh, right?
Hi Kerry, glad to see you cheering up a little. Hope this phase passes quickly for you, seems that we all are going through one of some kind or another. Is it a full moon or something? lol. Hey, I have a question for all of you, on a lighter topic. Anybody know where the term "cold turkey" comes from? It just occurred to me that I can't think of any reason that applies to coming off drugs. I bet there's some explanation for it, but it's beyond my imagination right now. Much love, Kat
lol.. good question kat...
never really thought about it...
never really thought about it...
LIGHTEN UP ON YOURSELF, you'll be ok, honest. Don't bother analyzing it now, you know better. Figure it out in a couple weeks if u want, when it's gone. I think we all think too much at the wrong times, anyway i do. take care & be kind to you.
I feel so much better reading that my brain probably isn't fried. I feel so stupid...making really stupid mistakes. I actually tripped and fell yesterday...yes, I had a glass in my hand and fell right on it. I felt so stupid. Yes, I got cut and bled, but nothing serious. I thought how weird I would have felt if I would have had to go to the emergency room. I keep dropping things too. I am on day 9.....is this to be expected too? It's like my brain is not right.
i am not the one to give advice on anger littlebeach because i am full of it but you seem like a strong willed person and you will make it through this take care of yourself try a lavendar bath lol and thanks for sending the good vibe attitudes my way i really need them btw do you know anything about trazadone i think you told me about it before.....doc gave it to me
I just thought id throw this in my husbund tskes it it makes you sleep and for depression but take the vitmins your dr said it will help with your low energy love you both yspearing
I have rage because I've been sick for three weeks and everybody keeps saying, "you're still sick?" I want to scream Yeah I am so what. I have Bronchitis and nothing is working. I guess it just has to run it's course but I am sooo tired.
I was on pain pills for 3 days after my knee surgery several months back, and it messed with my head before, during, and after. It'll pass. But having the pills in my system -- even at levels well below my "high" threshold -- reminded me why the only way to effectively fight this disease is from a position of complete abstinence. M.
Good morning! I am confused.. i thought your friend came and took your meds before you even took any?