Raven Update

While i was napping today, i had three diffrent ppl start a topic in my name. thanks for your concern, i thought i would just answer all in one message here.

Im very tired and depressed, nothing i cant handle. I have the shakes, just enough to make me uncomfortable, nothing major. I took a hot bath an almost passed out, i guess they dont work for everyone LOL. So i took hot bath, shaved legs even though i had to energy too LOL, and applied my fav shea butter lotion from avon, get spirits up. IT has not been quite 24 hours yet since i been lortab free, so im sure the worst is yet to come. Or maybe not, i have alot of my church family and friends praying for me, and I believe in the power of prayer. Since i tappered, i might of made a mountain out of a mole hill. IN MY SITUATION. i KNOW some ppl go through SERIOUS w/d. I will keep you all posted and thanks for all your concern.
Dear Raven I meant to tell you yesterday that I think thats a good name for you.Yes it seems you have touched people here already.I hope that is a comfort to you.Im so glad your not doing that bad.Please just try to remember if it does start getting bad please feel free to post & talk here.It may feel bad for a bit but it WONT LAST.Try to remember that.As for the baths,I always liked to put in lavender oil from like a healthfood place.It just would help calm my muscle pain.Well good luck to you & if I can help Ill be on *& off most the nite....mj
same here raven, i will only be too happy to help talk it out with you...it's a glorious step you have made for your life...my prayers are with you
Hello dear janet I hope you are feeling great today.What have youve been upto today?It so hot here in NY that I was having a hard time breathing outside.So Ive been a lazy bum by the air all day,except for fishing at 4:30 this mornung(YEAH)....mj
i'm so excited about these online meetings, check it out MJ

next one fifteen minutes
I havent read that post yet so I dont know what the deal is yet but I will def look into it....
it's great... a meeting you can leave for a diaper change and a cig
Hey Raven,I to have been praying for you and there is power in prayer no doubt you just keep the good attitude and all will be ok.Always a few bumps in the road but nothing you can"t run over so you be good and things are going to be alright.With Love and God Bless you................Jessica
OK, 61.5 hours since my last lortab. This is awsome, no more lortab. But still getting chonic headpain. Might be from the lortab withdrawels or an underlying cause like i have thought all along. Im gonna go to the chiropractor tonight and get adjustment , see if that helps. I still have appt with the headaches specialist on July1st, she might have some NON NARCOTIC treatment options i dunno. This is her speciality, i seem to get them after i sleep the most. I wake up with them everyday, this is the whole reason i was on the lortab. I had been on it so long, i figured the lortab was what was causeing my pain. And now it just might be the withdrawels too, only time will tell. The leg cramps are getting better. No craveings for the drug itself. Tappering is deffinatly better. I tried both ways, tappering is definatly better, for me anyway. All in All, doing pretty good.
i just wanted to say you are doing so well and i am very proud of you. you even sound different from your first posts its wonderful!!! i do hope that they can help your pain so you can live a well life again!! please take care love cfm