Relapse And Trying To Convieve

I was sober for 3 years from alcohol. I relapsed about a year ago and have since had a few relapses that lasted a a few days. We have been trying doing fertility treatments trying to conceive our first child . My last relapse was the last straw for my husband. He refused to even consider EVER having a child with me bc he thinks I can.t manage 9 months sober. I have made more personal growth and changes over the last few months I hardly recognize yself. He is t interested in acknowledging my growth or even setting a goal/timeline for which he would reconsider having a child. I dont have any desire to drink and I absolutely love all that Ive accomplished since the relapse but it isnt enough for him. Im 33 and will feel like my life wasnt fully fulfilled if I dont have a child be my oartner doesnt believe that Im strong enough to make changes. What do I do? I feel the clock ticking constantly and my resentment towards him growing daily. Is it time to cut my losses?
What are you doing to stay sober? Are you going to meetings? Active in AA? Going to therapy? How are you showing him you are serous about recovery?