I couldn't find our old long running thread so I thought I'd start a new one. I haven't been on in quite a while. My access to the compute at home is more and more limited - didn't most people learn about sharing in the first grade? Also, most of my jobs, the agents use laptops so they take them with them on their days off which is when I come in to cover. I plan on getting a laptop sometime after the first of the year because, well, I need one! I'm sick of not being able to do what I need to do when I need to do it. Damn, I hope I'm not getting on another of my bitchy rolls I've been prone to lately. I'm really, really, and I mean really, missing lortab right now. Tis the season and all. I can't remember the last time I was straight on christmas. Why do those Christmas's seem like they were so much more fun when I'm sure they weren't. I was either popping pills, plotting, stockpiling, trying to wean or limit, or if I'd just gotten a bunch I'd usually be going balls out and tell myself it was just for that one day - but, of course it lasted thru the whole bottle. Then, I'd start all over. How can I miss that kind of craziness?
Oh, did I mention I got fired from one of my best jobs? My bad. I did something really stupid and got caught. I work for different builders and go out to new subdivisions and sit in the model home on the agents day off. I just have to be there, basically. And they pay me for that. Well, the saturday after Thanksgiving, I got bored and left early. I left 45 mins early, and the Vice President of the frigging company decided to drop by. And I was gone. They paid the best, had some of the nicest neighborhoods, I'd been with them a while, several years. I suck, that was just stupid...no, not even stupid, but STOOOOPID! I have actually been called back once, and probably they'll hire me back, but it'll take a while - a lot of mea culpa and a** kissing and jumping thru hoops, then they'll get over it. I know this because they've fired me once before. Not for leaving early - they fired one of their best agents and it was all political and unfair - and I walked too. So, the sales manager runs after me and makes a big display of taking all my master keys, only to see me two days later at another one of their properties hired by another one of their agents. It was pretty funny.
So, how ar you? Are you excited about the holidays or are you grrrrr like me? I just can't get in the mood. One thing about my ex- he was from New York and we'd always go at Christmas. There is nothing like Christmas in New York. We'd go to Tavern on the Green the day before Christmas, we'd see a show on Broadway, we'd go shopping. I even got my pockets picked one year, right in front of Saks fifth Ave. That was exciting. Anyway, sorry it's been so long, I look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Lola!! Good to hear from you! Losing a job sucks, huh? My husbutt lost our chicken contract that we've had for ten years. Have had no income for several months & all our savings has been used up prior to this. If he don't stop drinking & get a grip we are going to lose everything.
No, I just can't get into the christmas spirit. I'm just a big old scrooge this year.
I sure know how those cravings go. Mine have been really strong lately, but I'm fighting it and hanging in there. There are triggers going off all over the place partly due to the losses I've endured, partly due to the holiday season, partly due to the everyday crap I go thru with husbutt, mostly due to just plain old me!
I believe husbutt is taking pills on top of drinking. He is so toxic to me right now & I just don't want to be around him. Having serious problems with my 12 yr old son. He thinks he is grown & is very disrespectful & his dad has his back.
O.K. enough of my moaning & groaning. I'm so glad you are staying clean. I know it's hard, but you are so right. We don't want to go back to the life we were living. It was no better than dealing with everything clean.
I gotta run....My daughter is crying over soe crap my son has done to her!
Talk later...xoxoxo, Rhonda
No, I just can't get into the christmas spirit. I'm just a big old scrooge this year.
I sure know how those cravings go. Mine have been really strong lately, but I'm fighting it and hanging in there. There are triggers going off all over the place partly due to the losses I've endured, partly due to the holiday season, partly due to the everyday crap I go thru with husbutt, mostly due to just plain old me!
I believe husbutt is taking pills on top of drinking. He is so toxic to me right now & I just don't want to be around him. Having serious problems with my 12 yr old son. He thinks he is grown & is very disrespectful & his dad has his back.
O.K. enough of my moaning & groaning. I'm so glad you are staying clean. I know it's hard, but you are so right. We don't want to go back to the life we were living. It was no better than dealing with everything clean.
I gotta run....My daughter is crying over soe crap my son has done to her!
Talk later...xoxoxo, Rhonda