Sarah, Are You Still There...


I was so excited when I saw you were posting on a couple of threads. I just want to hurry up and thank you again for helping me in those first few days of recovery. I can remember reading your posts and wanting what you have - wisdom, sobriety, and such a wonderful caring attitude.

You sound so good, busy, but good. You are such an inspiration!
Take care!


Hey there sweet Gracie!

Thank you for those kind words. They couldn't have come at a better time for me.

I am so tired...and being tired does things to our positive attitudes! : )

I am really grateful right now that I am able to do the things I am doing in my home in Louisiana to get it ready to put on the market. I know that if I were still using, I would be all over the place....crazy, erratic, non-focused energy. Today, I read up on some DIY plumbing, and guess what??? I did it myself! I love in a very old home, and these things I am updating are things I have wanted to do in this house for the last three years. Sick father, sick friend, graduate school and drug addiction for two of those years kept me from doing any of it. Now, I have the time and the resources...and instead of being sad, I am letting go...and wondering with a full and glad heart who I am doing this work for.

I am trying to imagine the family that will live here, and appreciate my attention to detail. I am no longer afraid that I cannot do lots of hard physical work without pain pills to "keep me going". I am just doing it! And, I am really happy about the fact that it is for someone I don't even know! (I mean, I will hopefully reap the financial benefit from my sweat equity)...but the bigger picture is paying attention to a home that has been pretty much a safe haven in my second life, and I am so glad to have ever enjoyed it in the first place that I cannot be sad.

Also, I am working long hours, because I am ready to wrap it up, and get back out to NM to my husband and my new home there.

For anyone who doesn't know it....please, take my word for gets so much better after a short period of time from getting clean. At the time, it may seem like an eternity, but it isn't....compared to a lifetime of agony living as an addict, it is really just a tiny price to pay.

Again, Gracie....thank you for your kind words.

How are you??? Fill me in!

