Shall We Dance..........

Well today is my day, I guess.......So I say this.....I will not leave because I know some of you do like hearing from me and I care about you guys.....I do try real hard to watch what I say.........and I would never in my life hurt anyone, thats just not me.......
But to keep the peace because thats all thats important I won't be posting much.....but I will be watching.........I'll keep it to just the shoot the sh*t kinda stuff......
I will leave you with one word of caution.....Just watch what you say, and who you say it to......I know more about this place than anyone could ever imagine!
Much love to all of you,
you no what I new something was wrorry . you didnt post much all I can say if you left it would be horrible its kinda funny how certain love each other more than others and it boileds down to this those postes were there at the time of NEED for them so we grow to love them like me ive grown to care and have a place in my heart for you you have been a graet ascent to this board mistyeyes AND I LOVE YOU so post here has you please and whats best for you and your peace of mind we are all sick and trying to make sense of it all .dont take to much to heart my sweet darling love poopie
morning tina
yea you better stay because me and other like me really need you and ba to hang around. i have tried not to get caught up in to much i know i have said a couple things wrong but i won't anymore. i refuse to step back into grade school again. we need you alot. your insight is very helpful and you are one of the sweetest and helpful people on here. i read in one of your other post that you said you were in the 6 to 10" snow range. man i would love to get that. it would shut this state down. ha ha we don't do to good in snow down here. LOL
i don't know what is going on with people but i do know this: God, Higher Power, or what else you want to call Him ain't pleased with it at this point. we need to help each other and when something comes by we don't agree with either post something constructive or just leave it alone. girl i love you and your family more than i could ever put into words on a keyboard so with that i will just say:
see ya in the posts
I'm not sure if this is about an earlier post or not, but if it is, pleas let me say this. I came to this board about a month ago feeling frustration and dispair. You came to me and encouraged me and gave me much appreciated hope. I don't care if you are an addict or not, wait I take that back, I'm glad for your sake that you are not. All I know is that you and many others have been there. Most of us on this board are here cause we are addicts, you are here because you want to help, that says alot about you, about what is in your heart, and to me your heart is full of love. If I am off base, then I do apologize.

Dear Sweet tina Oh Gosh I'm all chocked up(yup miss weepy)Gosh you have been so darn sweet to me.I really enjoy getting up early knowing youll be up with me.I don't want to beg so I will just say I will miss your sunshine.You have my e & I yours can we PLEASE still talk at least there?I asked you in some other post if you wrote that quoite you put in it was beautiful & didn't know if you wrote it.Dear tina I will always be here if you feel the need to talk......mj
we love you with all our heart mistyeyes and that is that your not going anywhere without me I will just be rite there ha ha love poopie and goes for you badatt,,poopie
Hi Tina....we have never talked before ( I don't post much...too shy) but I have followed you and your husband's whole journey from the beginning. I read all the posts every day and you are a constant source of hope, confidence, empathy and understanding on this board. Addict or not addict...makes no difference when your posts mean so much to so many. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't know because you are not an addict. You are so close to it all with your husband that you probably know more than some of us addicts do about addiction. stay and post and keep on helping the way you do....many of us look forward to your posts and appreciate your thoughtfulness and just the fact that you are here to talk to when someone needs that. You have never given any bad advice that I can remember.....only positive suggestions and kind words to all. Okay...this is the longest post I think I have ever wanted you to know that everyone does not feel the way some do about whether you are an addict or not. Peace...keep posting...xoxox
Dear Y ya know I didn't understand what you wrote (poopie)but it made me smile I think whatever it was was cute....mj
Guys I am not leaving I would never do that, I put that in the first line...just backing off a bit....
I am really crazy here, lots to do...I will be back on later and post back to you all..........please no worries.....she you all at nap time !
Thank Goodness sunshine.I probaly will start my house work I gotta get ready for INCOMMING SNOW.But I'll talk to you soon.....mj
Thanks guys for all the nice words that were not necessary, but warmed the heart.......I am just going to watch what I do on here.....I really would never be able to live with myself if I hurt any of you....and I gotta keep out of the bad threads......whether I have an opinion or not....just not worth it.....
Life is to short for all the hate on here......... happiness while not easy to have each day is far better to witness......Hope you all find your hearts filled with some happiness today.
I think you should make some long posts more often and share alittle of you with others......You seem like a kind and gentle spirit.
Take care,
Hi Tina;

I so appreciate the advice and support you've offered to me and others here. As you know my drug addiction didn't just harm me, it impacted others, most notably my wife. Actually it didn't "impact" my wife, it has devastated her.

So I need all the perspective I can get on drug addiction because I live it every day and have witnessed first hand the damage it creates. I know you've been down this path with BA, and I have a ton of respect for the positive attitude you consistently project to people here.

Not sure what you were responding to Tina, but I can guess....anyway, you are an extremely valuable member of this community. A very loving person and a true friend to the newcomer. You're also able to rise above the nonsense better that I am most days. So don't hold back..... M.

i am sorry you feel that way, after all this is online your dealing with, it is hard to decifer truth from fiction, also we are all addicts and we wouldnt have became addicts if we all had the same outlook on life as you, as an addict i became one because i didnt know how to deal with issues and problems accordingly. and now being clean i am still dealing with those tough lifes issues and i am geussing same holds true for us all. we are over sensative and words get taken out of context online because no one can see the compassion and truth in our eyes as we type. so for us as addicts this is normal for us to get upset easily and lash out. it is part of the process. none of us are perfect and we are all still trying to find our way through this thing we call life. still trying to figure out how to handle issues properly and as an addict is not always easy to do. thats where the differences come through as being an addict and a non addict. we try the best we can to work through things and use our tools to handle the issues the best we know how. but still our old way of thinking comes out. i am not proud of it when it happens. but i am remorseful and i like to think i learn and grow from it. when our buttons get pushed we know longer have the drugs to numb us of the hurt and anger so it comes out and thats how we release i geuss. its a all a learning and growing process.

as far as you knowing oh so much more about us and the board than we think you do, well as for me i am not dumb and as a warning to you. be careful of what you hear yourself. there are three sides to every story your side my side and the one no one will ever know about. i also find it unfair that you would have 2 sign in names. i know you stated it is not to be hurtful to any one but truthbetold i think it is a cowardly way of hiding behind your posative uplifting message. as i said everyone is entitled to thier own thoughts and opinions no one is right or wrong. it is just how we feel. so if you need to say something that you think we might not like to hear, well like i said i appreciate an honest non sugar coated opinion as much as i do a posative uplifting one. i even respect that more so then anything.

you are obviously loved here and wanted. so just remain being you and loved and respected unconditionally for who you are.

peace out
ps. misty i'm not trying to sound attacking or be mean i am just being honest and wanted to maybe help get a better understanding from an addicts way of thinking and add some insight from my point of view. i truly do think we all want to get along and get on with recovery but this is just all part of the process of growing.

all due respect
Tina, thanks for the very kind words. One of the reasons I don't post much is that I am not completely clean every day and just don't want/need any negativity from people who are judgmental and feel that non-addicts or using addicts have nothing to offer. I try to offer understanding and support, and kindness rather than give advice. ( I live in a huge glass house....and do not throw stones)...anyway..thanks for the post. We will chat again, I am sure.
Misty- I think you called me on the Yes lyrics. How are these:

She gives me love
When love had gone away
When the pressure came so fast
She give me love
Long distance runaround
And in between the pressure
I was summoned

How did we dance on the south side of the sky
We saw the flags flying on the moon
And thru the gates of delirium so fast
Believing in the light was a beginning
Only to believe in you
Only to believe in you

She give me love
When I was losing fast
I was awakened by the dream
She was the love for me
the first and last
And all that I remembered
Was the roundabout only to believe in you

user posted image
Hey Boo,
Wanted to drop you a line and let you know that the only thing I listen to are the words written on the board........Off the board I would prefer that the board wasn't mentioned......I hope that you understand what I mean. It can be quiet frustrating sometimes but I am not leaving I will just have to limit what I say and to who........And would hope that if anyone wanted to talk to me they would just post........I really have no desire what so ever to hurt anyone but I will not let me get ripped apart about a double edged
So I will just be taking it day by day on here, which is usually how I take things anyway. I do like living in the now!
You have a great day!
Take care,
Oh Betsy..........a huge glass house.......

Danny you know my feelings on Yes..............