
Trying to send you some mail.................having trouble with it going through, keeps coming back to me..............hmmm

I hate hotmail!!!!!!!

I will try again.
Java, I'm not so sure I want it... Have you been thread hopping. Hey, kee-kee is back. Where were you last night? Shantel
Your not so sure you want hotmail or my email???? (getting teary eyed)

I fell asleep super early lastnight...................Couldnt keep my eyes open for anything. Felt good to get some sleep :)

Just tried to send again......................
WAITING !!!!!!!
Just sent another from hubby's email addy............

Let me know.

Ah, here you are Javagirl----------You can run but you can"t hide!!
I found you,----------------should of known you'd be Hob-Nobbing
with that Shantel--------watch it Java she has retractable-Claws!!
But Gosh don't we Love Her So!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Listen Java, Your Mission-------Should You Choose to Accept It-------
Go to Goos mornng thread and read--------Your 60seconds are up!!

I Saw That Shantel, Tye.
Just answered to you on the Goos thread.


retractable claws!!!!!!!!
Java, Got your e-mail. Tye, you're killing me. Shantel
okay checking now......................brb

Hey, How Come Everyone Has Mail But Me?????
ahhhhhhhh, I get it now--------my wonderful, careing,
loving, supportive friends are FU--'EN talking about
me.---------Got It!!------------Oh but I'm so much stronger
then you know-------------I can take this mean, cruel
selfish, Two-Faced ,Fu'c--n'--------behavior,oh yes I
can! I CAN TAKE IT , I SAID, I CAN TAKE IT!!!! anyone
have a FUC--EN' Problem with me taking it???????
OK, didn't think so-----------Have A Nice Day--------
Love Ya, Tye. Who needs people anyway!
I Saw That Shantel---
hahahaha talk about retractable claws!!!! holey woah tye!!! i'm skurd!!! hehe

Hi Terrianne Sweetie, how are you? My, my did somebody
say, "BIPOLAR"???---------I better get back on the Goods!
I've Lost-It----------Ya think I should be concerned about myself
Yet or should I wait a while longer. I'm just being a silly-goose!
Hows your day going? anything nice happen to you today?
Love it when unexpected nice Thngs happen--------dont you?
Well let me know whats going on ok? I Saw That Shantel-------
Love Ya,,,,,,,,Tye.
People need People.

i soooooooo know you were being a silly goose!!! hahahahyou are very good at it :), no nothing good has happened,my antibiotic has made me throw up a fe wtimes and i took a lilnap, well i geuss a nap is good : ) i am feeling better now. screw the anti bio!!!! i am soooooooo done!!!! so okwhat did you do with my girls? did you go mid eivalon them? ; )

Hey you two..............

You know Tye I need to get your email addy..................If you dont mind posting it on the board, I would like to have it.


Oh no, sorry to hear that Antibiotic is making you feel so rotten...............I agree, I think I would stop taking it also, sounds as if it is doing you more harm than good right now.......................You dont have to work today do you? Hope not.


nope i dont have to work, i took it off again. i just wanna feel better and i actually am starting to feel better. getting there. thanks for being so sweet.i wish you were my mom :)


People always says I should of been a nurse or something.............

Whenever anyone is sick around here I suddenly go into to dr. mode and dont even realize it.

I have a friend that I drive crazy because I will actually call her to ask her if she remembered to take her antibiotic LOL

Good thing you can get some rest................

We gotta get together sometime. I have a feeling I would never wanna go home :) Everybody better look out if we get together..............Can you say Trouble!!! lol

Wish all of the board members could meet up sometime.

i know we definately have to plan it, maybe before kids get out of school. the weekend of the 15th am going to ohio to meet rae. that will be toxic fun hahaha the 15th is my b-day as well. but really any day or time is good with me, a friday would be good, great garage sale day in themorning, then hit the beach by afternoon and get some dinner after that? a couple hours really isnt that far!!

Not to change the Subject Java but how is FATTY?

I found you Guys, Roxy
Tye, Ya had me scared for a minute. Shantel