Sharonn...and Anyone Else...

Sharonn, best of luck to you. I hope everything works out well for you. I don't know you, and I've only ever read a very few of your posts. So, I don't know whats up enough to share an opinion or give a suggestion. But, something you wrote made me wanna share, maybe it'll help, maybe not, but it's just a thought and my opinion.....

"although I was taking as rxed I could not see myself as an addict"....

This is a statement I see and hear often. This is my thoughts on it, and isn't directed at anyone inparticular.

Not everyone that is on narcotic pain medecine is an addict. If a person is on, lets say percocet for argument sake, for an extended period of time then one morning wakes up and decides "I don't need it anymore" only to realize that not taking it puts them in withdrawl, that doesn't mean "your" now and addict or are addicted to it. I personally think that alot of people get confused or upset etc.. thinking they've become an addict when in fact they haven't.
When taking a narcotic for an extended period of time, the body simply gets used to having it and goes into shock when cut off. I've run into alot of people that think because they experienced withdrawl that must make them an addict. It's kinda like coffee for me. I don't drink it everyday of my life anymore, but, if I drink it in the morning everyday for a week or two, then one day decide "I think today I'll have a cup of tea" I'll get a caffine headache. Thats because my system is used to having that caffine boost and suddenly I've cut it off. It's sorta the same thing.
Ofcourse now I'm speaking of those who take only as perscribed for only what it's perscribed for. I think alot of folks come here, or maybe even go to a meeting or whatever, and sorta get talked into believing there're an addict simply because they just can't stop the medecation like someone who maybe only was on it for a few days or a very short time. Then there are those who need a narcotic for some reason, and have to be on it for ever. That doesn't mean that person is an addict either. I'm an addict, I could never be on a narcotic for any length of time without eventually self medecating, then justifying it, slipping into denile etc..etc..etc..
I think there is a big difference between and addict, and someone who's body has become dependant. Addiction is a disease of the body AND mind. Someone who's body becomes dependant over a period of time and needs to be slowly tappered off to avoid shock or withdrawl in my opinion is a totally different thing and alot of times mistaken for an addiction problem.
But there are people that are on it, and do need it, and do take it properly, that get scared and start thinking they are an addict when I think alot of times they're not. I really feel bad when I see this happen. And I think sometimes, when someone who is an addict is comfronted with someone who isn't, will give the wrong advise or suggestion simply because the addict is jealous because he or she can't properly take anything. I get kidney stones and I have a real bad back.
I won't take anything for either one anymore because I know me. And I sometimes wish I was "normal" and could properly take something for the pain.
But for me, I can't. Some recovering addicts can. And in that case, if done properly and honestly, in my opinion isn't a relapse nor does that person have to start there time over when finished with the medecation in my opinion.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my thoughts.

And Sharonn,
Wether or not your an addict, I don't know you at all and can't say one way or the other. But I do wish you well and addict or not, follow a doctors advise, even if it means a 2nd or 3rd opinion. Do what you need to do for you. If you are an addict, I'd suggest face to face support if infact you do need pain medecine. And if your not and addict, it might still be a good idea to have some kind of support system, someone you can bounce your thoughts and feelings off of. I think it's just as important to take care of ourselves mentaly as it is physically. I'm gratefull I found A.A., I would have never thought to seek any kind of theropy had it not been for being an alcoholic/addict. I don't think one has to be sick in some way to seek help or support. Sometimes we need to dump or get feedback from someone for our own sanity and it's not always good using a loved one for that. Outside suggestions and or advise or just an "ear" alot of times I think helps the most.

Take care, God bless,
Have a great day and weekend everyone,
You're right Bob, not everyone who takes pain meds is an addict. But if you search out an addiction board and are now counting pills, using more than directed, lying to drs about what you're taking and how may be an addict. (Kinda like, you may be a redneck). My mother, case in point. She has taken pain meds for years, always as directed, never as much as she could, but recently she went into the hospital for 3 weeks and was on morphine. The day she came home she didn't have anything and by that night was in horrible withdrawals. She wouldn't believe that it was because of the drugs. She feels that people who take it for pain don't get addicted and don't go through withdrawals. Okaaaay. I also took them for pain, who here didn't start out taking them for pain? I know I'm babbling, but there is such a fine line here. I guess only "we" know if we are addicts. And deep down, most of us here know we are.
Thanks Bob for putting so clearly what I was trying to say to Bullwinkle on this thread Click here
but I did not write it as well as you.Having withdrawals symptoms does not make one an addict just dependant physicaly. I have seen many like this in the rooms and they dont decribe the obsessions or cravings when that first drink or drug is taken that i experience. Some of these people make staying sober look so easy and dont work the program like there life depended on it (like a drowning man). I never took as prescribed or drank just a few I simply couldnt the craving would almost destroy me. I believe its the psychological aspect (spiritual disease) that flags up the true addict.
It is not for any of us to say who is and is not an addict but I do worry about people going to the rooms because of a court order and recieving the label of alcoholic then if they protest they are said to be in denial. this clicky is interesting.