Three weeks ago, I found out that my husband of 10+ yrs was addicted to cocaine! The signs were all there but I refused to acknowledge them. Bills were not being paid, lost of weight, mood swings, zero sex appetite, money problems, dilated eyes, lies, etc. I finally confronted him and he admitted to using coke for over a year. He promised to seek help. He says that he spoke to a chaplain and will check on info about treatment centers. He came home two nights ago and his eyes looked "strange". I asked if he had done coke and he denied it. How can I check to verify that he is still using? I've taken over all of his finances and cut up all credit cards. He has received the warning of being kicked out if one slip up! What are the withdrawal symtoms of cocaine addiction? What suggestions do you have to settle this situation? I have dealt with several problems over the years with him (alcholism, adultery and now drug abuse). This is my second marriage and I feel that I cannot tolerate any more problems. Any suggestions?
Dear Ann,
Just stick to your guns. It isnt easy.I am going through the same thing as you right now, Try to convince him to get help. If he wants to get better he will, If he doesnt you can't make him better. Good luck to you keep us posted on the progress.God Bless, Kim
Just stick to your guns. It isnt easy.I am going through the same thing as you right now, Try to convince him to get help. If he wants to get better he will, If he doesnt you can't make him better. Good luck to you keep us posted on the progress.God Bless, Kim
HI Ann -
Sorry to hear things are going so badly for you. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Stay strong!
Sorry to hear things are going so badly for you. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Stay strong!