Im fairly new to this board. Im 41, business owner, very functional and do 160 to 240 mg a day of oxy. I basically feel decent. But my wife is giving me the ultimatem- "get off the stuff or Im out of here". Ive decided that after 7 years of using it is now time to try to get off the opiates. Do I need to go live at the center for 12 days (all I can do cause business obligations) or can I do it on an out patient basis? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. God Bless.
Peter, I would say you could do it both wyas if you really want it, but you'd be doing yourself a favor by going the 12day inpatient route. Not only would it help you get off the oxys quickly, but it would likely also start you on an aftercare recovery program, meetings, etc., which will be essential in helping you to stay off. Good luck to you.... M.
Peter welcome to the site please make sure you are quiting because you want to not because of someone elses choice you need to be committed to this in order to recover, if you re-read many cases of addiction people are in and out of recovery and spouses can become fed up and give up im not sugessting this is your case hun but just make sure that your choices are yours. However saying that you do need to quit can i suggest you investagate a few choices first makea few phone calls etc go to a meeting do what ever it takes to get clean then work hard at staying clean. very best of luck hun jackie xxxx
Hi Peter;
I agree with what M and Jacky say. Do this for yourself 1st. Recovery is an ongoing process.
If it's possible to do so I would take a break from day-to-day stuff and do the inpatient, but please seek the advice of a medical professional in making this decision.
Good luck to you,
I agree with what M and Jacky say. Do this for yourself 1st. Recovery is an ongoing process.
If it's possible to do so I would take a break from day-to-day stuff and do the inpatient, but please seek the advice of a medical professional in making this decision.
Good luck to you,
I agree with all that have posted.... very good stuff..... I am leaning toward inpatient.. because of the lessening of destractions and concentration on you.... but....
I do have one really important retortical question that only you can answer..... you know that they say that you have to be willing to put as much into your recovery as you did your drug use ... that is the using, the getting, the thinking about using... so heres the question... if you were out of your oxy's... and you had to drive 200 miles to get more... and you had to chose a business meeting or the run to get them which would you chose.?....
my point being maybe you can let a few things go in your business to give your recovery the best posible chance.. most of us go to rehab kicking and screaming.... and them same ones of us (more than you might think) have to be thrown out kicking and screaming at the end because were are scared to leave.... so just some food for thought...
I have been there... I thought no one could run my home or raise my kid... but .... they did and it was worth it in the long term...
God Bless
I do have one really important retortical question that only you can answer..... you know that they say that you have to be willing to put as much into your recovery as you did your drug use ... that is the using, the getting, the thinking about using... so heres the question... if you were out of your oxy's... and you had to drive 200 miles to get more... and you had to chose a business meeting or the run to get them which would you chose.?....
my point being maybe you can let a few things go in your business to give your recovery the best posible chance.. most of us go to rehab kicking and screaming.... and them same ones of us (more than you might think) have to be thrown out kicking and screaming at the end because were are scared to leave.... so just some food for thought...
I have been there... I thought no one could run my home or raise my kid... but .... they did and it was worth it in the long term...
God Bless
As usual, Teresa beats me to the punch. I agree whole heartedly with what she wrote. I too had to be pulled kicking and screaming FROM my treatment center. Have never felt so safe in my life.
Most treamemt programs are at least 28 days. They need that long to, first of all, get the drug out of your system and second, to pound the information into your head. 12 days? Not gonna happen.
Do you really want this?
Then do what others who know what their talking about, tell you to do. ie Your health care professionals.
Oxy is something you should not just stop taking and good luck trying to taper can die from the siezures. No joke.
Check in...we care and have been where you are now. We want to help.
Most treamemt programs are at least 28 days. They need that long to, first of all, get the drug out of your system and second, to pound the information into your head. 12 days? Not gonna happen.
Do you really want this?
Then do what others who know what their talking about, tell you to do. ie Your health care professionals.
Oxy is something you should not just stop taking and good luck trying to taper can die from the siezures. No joke.
Check in...we care and have been where you are now. We want to help.
Hey peter welcome to the site. Our situaltions are quite similar, Im tapering down from MS cotin 180 mgs a day and several years ago was on oxycotin which in my humble opinion are worse in respec to they wear off many hours before they should and YOU KNOW IT IMMEDIATLY and need more . The MS coitn gives you a window of 4 hours or so. I was also given an ultimatum from my wife that if I dont stop she will ask me to leave and seperate. This is the biggest leverage Ive everhad,as I love her very much and cant loose her and everything Ive worked for. I have told my self that I couldnt go through the pain of divorce adn would fly with a years worth of money to india live in goa and smoke my self to death with opium. Of course I hope this never happens I to have my own practice and Im very functional, thought cause she was in alanon everything was ok I didnt use enough to pass out just to take the edge off.But she says she feels very lonely and Im emotionally not available which she is exactly correct about and it hurt me very much to hear it and to see the one I love cry.So when one has enough leverage on onself to change one will find a way( god I hope Im right) This is very scary for me as I was hurt so much as a child that as soon as I found qualudes in miami where I grew up for 20 years I started at 14 and have only stopped for several years here and there, the anxiety and fear gets to me and I eventually relapse. I unlike you get referrals weekly if not daily and work alone so cant take time off to rehab it tho I might be able to pull 12 days together if I had my brother come up from miami and cover me . Now Im decreasing my meds 5% per day the 5% computed each day on the lower amount. Im checking into bupranorphine and there is a methadone clinic not far away . I m not sure on the meth as I belive they start at a very low dose so It might take me 2 months to get to a dose that stabilizes me before I then start to come off slowly. Who knows mabey it would be better than what Im doing now I just dont know any more Im very depressed that once again after 3 rehabs over 20 years , Ibogaine treatment ( expensive) rapid detox ( dont recomend almost killed me pain unbearable) and several taper times but I was on percs which were much easier to detox from . Your one very high doses and as stated before it could kill you to come off to fast so if you could swing the 12 days I would recomend it . Also do you know and can you tell us what kind of meds the impatient place will use to get you off such high doses and I assume clean in 12 days, I might be interested. One more thing to keep in mind when I did the Ibogaine there was a very famous rock star with me who said his experience at on of the many places he went for impatient is they had started him at what ever level of bupranorpine but on his last day his was still on 4 vial a day when they sent him home and once he went into withdrawl when the effect ran out he was in massive withdrawl and went to cop. this was at supposedly one of the finest in the country as he could aford the best. Good luck. I know on one level you must be resentful of your wife for the ultimatum Im not to thrilled but I m tired of being an addict, and not living up to my potential for true happiness andgrowth along with nuturing my wifes. best of luck also let us know what kind of program this place you thinking about has as it might be helpful to some of us Keep in touch,Ramon
Thanks for the info everybody. And Ramon, thanks for the advice. I have never done any rehab or ever tried to quit before, so I am very nervous to go live some place else with strangers. But I think Im going in this thursday to a local place here in the Bay area, california. Most places said they can do a detox and some treatmant in the 14 days off I have. They said they are going to use Sub to help with the detox. I have visited 3 places already and they all siad they would like to have me for more time, but 2 weeks will be doable. I will keep you guys posted. I know this will be good for me (when its over!).
thanks guys and god bless.
thanks guys and god bless.
Hi Peter. Welcome to the board. I am pretty new here as well, but I am greatful I don't have much advice to give you on the oxys, but I have seen that can be hell.
I am curious, for personal reasons, which place in the Bay Area?
Good luck and keep us posted..
I am curious, for personal reasons, which place in the Bay Area?
Good luck and keep us posted..
good for you peter I wish you the best of luck this can be a very scary process especially if its your first time . Again make sure they can either fully detox you on sub or that they will make sure you to get it when you get out just incase you still need more time