Small Stuff

Hi everyone-
I was waiting for my 17 year old son to get out of his sports physical today, and picked up a magazine. The first article was on happiness. Usually I read these things with skepticism and take it with a grain of salt, but,,,

The first "secret to being happy" was to appreciate, and even journal, small things you appreciate everyday. It could be the taste of a strawberry, having your teenager say "Good-night, Mom" without scowling at you, or enjoying a snowflake's descent onto the driveway.

Ok, may sound sappy adn obvious. But the point was that there ARE good thngs in everybody's life, you just have to learn to appreciate them. I'm going to start journaling them.
Amon, its all in how you look at life, some people only see the bad things and are pessmistic by nature or you can choose to look at all the goods things and be an optimist.
I finding being an optimist is better.

my secret to happiness is- living for today, loving me for me and taking time to enjoy the world, my kids and my love.
Oh, BTW, today I bought Valentine's stuff for my kids (haven't done that in years!) and I even put together a whole boxful of fun stuff like candy, magazines and Beanie Babies and shipped it out to my daughter in college.

Stuff I've been wanting to do, of course, but never seemed to get around to it before! Wonder why!!!
Very good point about living for today!!!

I've always been optimistic; now I guess I still am, but reality is allowing me to see things clearer.

JohnDee- can I have your e-mail to send you photos of my dogs? If you don't want to post it, e-mail me first at
No please send them are waking up the atmosphere.....simple things begin to take on a whole new meaning and appreciation.......I went through that, too. In my case, one minute I might be angry, but I could look out my window and marvel at nature and be so aware of the life around me. Sappy, maybe, but I had not really slowed down long enough to appreciate the small stuff in years, it was like rediscovering it all over again. Just hang on, it's going to get even better.

Have you heard of "Simple Abundance" , it's a book about gratitude. It requires you keep the sort of lists you were just talking about. Worked great for me...doing the lists.
Thanks Carol- I'll look for it! Yeah, I do feel like I'm waking up! Scary, but it's time! Gonna go watch "Idol" now...hubby actually likes it too!!!
See y'all tomorrow.

Love & Prayers to us all!