Hoping it is alright to post something a little light hearted. I was going to put this on the Family Board, but they are probably sick of my red carpet National Brynquirer ramblings so I came to bug you guys.
"Rhapsody In Blue". That great Gershwin classic. I think it's Gershwin. Anyway, last night at the Grammy's Herbie Hancock performed with Lang Lang.
It was awesome.
O.K. I know squat about classical music. Don't know much of anything really, however I met this Lang Lang man once in person. I made a fool of myself and caused a stir, and nope I wasn't on drugs then.
Someone close to me is a vocalist. Put it this way the poor person I was in charge of and I ain't no manager or agent. Again, I can't read music. Know nothing. Lang Lang had gone to the prestigious "Curtis Insititute" which is in Philly. I walked past it every day to go to work and didn't even know it was there. I was busy looking at shoes in a window two doors away.
So, in we go to this huge function with all these hoi paloi or however ya say it. The person who is the vocalist was instructed to sing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling". It's my job to talk to the accompanist like in what key and stuff. I see this dude at this beautiful piano, and up I waltz. We had maybe a half hour tops to get this down so I figure this is rehearsal.
He could speak English and he was very handsome, but his English wasn't 100% and Lord knows I got a thick accent. I say "Do you know When Irish Eyes Are Smiling?" Honestly either he thought I lost my mind or actually never heard of it. I mean the man is a classical prodigy and all. He was fairly young too as this was years back.
As I go to say it again this high society lady about tackles me. "Why are you bothering Lang Lang?" Ummmmmmmmmm, I need to know if he can do this in a key of C? Lady goes OFF.
"Do you know who this IS? He is one of the worlds best classical pianists and he is here to perform and how could you even dare think he'd be an accompanist?" DUH? Well this guy looks at me and smiles and sort of does a bow. I apologized and tried to explain when high society pointed to the man sipping the free drinks and told me he was the accompanist.
So, I met that dude. Best was after the function he came up to us and told the person who sang just how fabulous they were and what a gift they were given. I apologized again and he told me he thought it was funny.
Bryn's brush with greatness. "Hit it buddy in a key of C". He looked so cool last night too. I even seen him in some fancy magazine advertisment modeling a Rolex or something. A very, very nice man, that Lang Lang. Man, I wonder if he tells that at parties how some nutter came up to him talking slang and thinking he was the accompanist?
Im sure I may hear BS over this but I dont care
Im SO glad Amy Whineheart won 5..Ok Ok say it Crack head...but just because she has made mistake it doesnt mean she wont pull it together,And think how wonderful that would be!!!
I can admit I got CHILLS when she won song of the year.
Hell if everyone can wish the best for Brittany I suppose I can root for AMY.
The show itself was nice.Something me & Anne enjoyed together & drove Mikey crazy with(hes not into music like us)
Rhapsody In Blue to me was beautiful & Anne was even like...Mommy even if its not my type of music it is very pretty.
What about "The Killer"Jerry Lee Lewis.....NICE for an older gent....
Im SO glad Amy Whineheart won 5..Ok Ok say it Crack head...but just because she has made mistake it doesnt mean she wont pull it together,And think how wonderful that would be!!!
I can admit I got CHILLS when she won song of the year.
Hell if everyone can wish the best for Brittany I suppose I can root for AMY.
The show itself was nice.Something me & Anne enjoyed together & drove Mikey crazy with(hes not into music like us)
Rhapsody In Blue to me was beautiful & Anne was even like...Mommy even if its not my type of music it is very pretty.
What about "The Killer"Jerry Lee Lewis.....NICE for an older gent....
I was surprised to see Tina Turner take the stage. She looked good, but her vocals aren't what they used to be. I mixed monitors for her and Whitney at an AIDS benefit concert in Central Park back around 85 maybe 86 and she was just killing it. Man, could she sing. I have tons of professional respect for Amy Winehouse and what she has accomplished, but if she continues to keep the Barret Agency and other low-lifes in the industry as advisers she is doomed.
Hey Bikeman,
Yeah....Tina has lost a bit, vocally. Aretha sounded good, but looked like a giant Sun.......I wish Stevie sang. Did you hear the crowd bump up the applause when Ike's picture was shown? The Jerry Lee/Fogarty/Little Richard thing was a bit stale.....like they needed a hotter sound from the band.
Yeah....Tina has lost a bit, vocally. Aretha sounded good, but looked like a giant Sun.......I wish Stevie sang. Did you hear the crowd bump up the applause when Ike's picture was shown? The Jerry Lee/Fogarty/Little Richard thing was a bit stale.....like they needed a hotter sound from the band.
You know without the National Brynquirer I would have no idea what is going on
Grammys, they were onlol
You are like my cliff notes, as I am so unaware of what is going on aroundexcept that I see tiny snowflakes about, the window has had all my attention this morningany flakes flying there, well aside from the neighbors you know
You had some snotty lady all in your faceOh gosh what were you to expect with the guy looking all nice behind the pianoI bet he loved it, absolutely loved it breaks up the mundane you know
I had to look the guy up, see I know nothing well I do know that you were right about Gershwin, and rhapsody in bluedidnt have to look that up thanks to that education I got in music
He is damn good, listening to him play Mozarts ( whom I love ) something or other in major CLearn something new everyday!
Grammys, they were onlol
You are like my cliff notes, as I am so unaware of what is going on aroundexcept that I see tiny snowflakes about, the window has had all my attention this morningany flakes flying there, well aside from the neighbors you know
You had some snotty lady all in your faceOh gosh what were you to expect with the guy looking all nice behind the pianoI bet he loved it, absolutely loved it breaks up the mundane you know
I had to look the guy up, see I know nothing well I do know that you were right about Gershwin, and rhapsody in bluedidnt have to look that up thanks to that education I got in music
He is damn good, listening to him play Mozarts ( whom I love ) something or other in major CLearn something new everyday!
Who knows how much time they had to rehearse any of this. That is the problem with shows like the Grammy's, there is so much going on that the techs have a short rehearsal period and often the artists may not even show up. Part of Fogerty's problem was a s***ty guitar... still not sure why he didn't play one of his Les Paul's.
Who knows how much time they had to rehearse any of this. That is the problem with shows like the Grammy's, there is so much going on that the techs have a short rehearsal period and often the artists may not even show up. Part of Fogerty's problem was a s***ty guitar... still not sure why he didn't play one of his Les Paul's.
Hoping it is alright to post something a little light hearted.
Anytime Bryn!
I always love to read your posts!!
Anytime Bryn!
I always love to read your posts!!
Yeah, Bikeman! When I saw it, I figured he was going for that Rickenbacker (sp?) type sound, but it fell short of that.....a nice Gibson would have been better. I was also happy to see Pat Smear play with the Foo Fighters again.....he's gettin' older fast.
Molly Jean,
How dang dare you? LOL No, no you can't root for Amy. Hey, so be it if the girl was or is on crack, heroin or both. If she has talent then well all we can do is wish her the best and hope she beats it.
Look at Whitney. I actually pray for Whitney. Plus for all of the magnificent talents through the years who were addicts what? My love of Anita O'Day and Miss Billie has to go down the tubes? Hecka, no. You like whoever ya want.
Ummm, Tina needs to step away from the window. LOL Yeah it's snowing.
I don't know from nothing vocals like I don't know anything about painting except I know what I like. Tina Turner I'll take that body and energy any old day.
Just wish Sinatra was still alive and young again.
How dang dare you? LOL No, no you can't root for Amy. Hey, so be it if the girl was or is on crack, heroin or both. If she has talent then well all we can do is wish her the best and hope she beats it.
Look at Whitney. I actually pray for Whitney. Plus for all of the magnificent talents through the years who were addicts what? My love of Anita O'Day and Miss Billie has to go down the tubes? Hecka, no. You like whoever ya want.
Ummm, Tina needs to step away from the window. LOL Yeah it's snowing.
I don't know from nothing vocals like I don't know anything about painting except I know what I like. Tina Turner I'll take that body and energy any old day.
Just wish Sinatra was still alive and young again.
I remember one year Pavarotti was supposed to perform at the Grammy's and while backstage he had to cancel for health reasons....so, at the last minute, Aretha stepped in and sang the opera part he was to perform. OMG...you could literally see light pouring out of the top of her head as she sang...it was amazing, and reduced me to tears. It is the most powerful "televised" performance I have ever seen.
I fell asleep before she performed this year, but my husband said..."mercy", when he spoke about her. I hope she gets it under control, because I want her with us for a long, long time.
Bikeman...have you ever worked with Van Morrison? Can we talk???? LOL
Hey Bryn!
I fell asleep before she performed this year, but my husband said..."mercy", when he spoke about her. I hope she gets it under control, because I want her with us for a long, long time.
Bikeman...have you ever worked with Van Morrison? Can we talk???? LOL
Hey Bryn!
Howdy dear one.
G-L-O-R-I-A! Huge respect for Van. Yeah, I always wanna ask Bikeman stuff too. LOL Wonder if he ever worked with George Clinton. "Pardon me people".
That was a magnificent performance when Aretha filled in that year.
Lil boy sang the solo this year for "Let It Be". Nice, nice job. You fell asleep though. How could ya fall asleep on the Grammy's lady?
G-L-O-R-I-A! Huge respect for Van. Yeah, I always wanna ask Bikeman stuff too. LOL Wonder if he ever worked with George Clinton. "Pardon me people".
That was a magnificent performance when Aretha filled in that year.
Lil boy sang the solo this year for "Let It Be". Nice, nice job. You fell asleep though. How could ya fall asleep on the Grammy's lady?
4 days older than dirt...LMAO
Bryn...LOL I really thought because of all the bad press I may of heard crap about her so thank you.and truley your right,if the woman has talent...her personal mistakes are her baggage huh?
To me there are some singers that you can just see that they've been through hell & its probaly what makes them so raw.so talented.To be able to let your pain out in a creative way...it takes guts.
I gotta admit some of the reason I love watching shows like that is because my 15 yr old is always asking questions & I enjoy passing on what I know on to her.
Like with Tina Turner...Now she remembered her as "The Acid Queen"on Tommy(the movie)but it was nice explaining to her about her & Ike,how she escaped that life etc.Same thing with the "Foo Fighters"To explain how John Paul Jones was a original member of Zeppelin(yes she knows who they are).
I cannot tell you how many time just this past school year shed come how & tell me how shocked some of her teachers were that she knew certain people(whether singers or say like...Red Buttons)& from what she tells me the teachers are very impressed on what she knows.That makes me happy to be able to pass on knowledge about something I know to her..
We love to watch those older movies...& Im talking about one of our favorite..."Guess whos Comming To Dinner"With Spencer Tracey & Kate Hepburn.....Its fun to pass stuff like that on because most can admit...music & movies have changed so much.
Love Sabrina
Edited just to say Jer I disagree about Jerry Lee & Co.When you actually think about their ages...not too bad.Jerry Lee is another one with so much personal & perfessional history.
I forgot to add in the above....my Anne watched..."Walk the Line"& ever since shes been hooked on Johnny Cashs musice.How happy my grams would be if she was still with us as that was HER MAN.....
Isnt it wonderful when you can help our younger generation enjoy the oldies instead of just the "new Stuff"
To me there are some singers that you can just see that they've been through hell & its probaly what makes them so raw.so talented.To be able to let your pain out in a creative way...it takes guts.
I gotta admit some of the reason I love watching shows like that is because my 15 yr old is always asking questions & I enjoy passing on what I know on to her.
Like with Tina Turner...Now she remembered her as "The Acid Queen"on Tommy(the movie)but it was nice explaining to her about her & Ike,how she escaped that life etc.Same thing with the "Foo Fighters"To explain how John Paul Jones was a original member of Zeppelin(yes she knows who they are).
I cannot tell you how many time just this past school year shed come how & tell me how shocked some of her teachers were that she knew certain people(whether singers or say like...Red Buttons)& from what she tells me the teachers are very impressed on what she knows.That makes me happy to be able to pass on knowledge about something I know to her..
We love to watch those older movies...& Im talking about one of our favorite..."Guess whos Comming To Dinner"With Spencer Tracey & Kate Hepburn.....Its fun to pass stuff like that on because most can admit...music & movies have changed so much.
Love Sabrina
Edited just to say Jer I disagree about Jerry Lee & Co.When you actually think about their ages...not too bad.Jerry Lee is another one with so much personal & perfessional history.
I forgot to add in the above....my Anne watched..."Walk the Line"& ever since shes been hooked on Johnny Cashs musice.How happy my grams would be if she was still with us as that was HER MAN.....
Isnt it wonderful when you can help our younger generation enjoy the oldies instead of just the "new Stuff"
No to both George Clinton and Van Morrison. I like both of them and probably would have been some fun tours. I do know a guy that used to be master electrician on some Van Morrison tours, but lost touch with him several years ago.