So Good To Read All Of Your Posts

I stumbled across this website a couple of days ago and I have now read most of the posts. I am amazed to have found people in the same boat as me, and there I was thinking I was the only sucker to have got herself addicted to pot! This little menace has had me sucked in for about 13 years now and I know that I have to change. I am down to my last couple of smokes and am aiming to hit cold turkey sometime later this week. No-body knows about my problem, on the surface I am a hard working, functioning mother and my family, friends and colleagues would be shocked to know my 'secret'. I hate this damn craving and the way that I feel when I have none. How did I get to this?!!! I am panicking at the thought of giving up but I know that I cannot carry on this way. It is mainly the health reasons that make me want to quit. Anyway, I shall certainly stay tuned to this page, any words of encouragement would be most welcome. Silverado, August, Jane and Just J, plus all the others who have posted here: YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME! Thank you all and good luck..................
No reason to wait til you run out Kes. Take affirmative action to say no to your addiction. Flush it!

Keep checking in.

welcome... :)
Thanks for your respones. Funny thing you should say that August because today I woke up and did not smoke and have not all day. This is the first time for me to do that in a very long time. I haven't flushed it (chicken!) but I sort of wanted to 'experiment' to see how I would feel today. I cannot believe that I actually feel pretty good although I expect that the novelty will wear off!! I am sure that reading all of the posts on this site has given me the strength to start to really believe that I am going to kick this s***, although ultimately I know that the strength can only come from within myself! Having said that I am trying not to think about it right now so am going to go to bed!! In case you guys are looking at my post and the time of it is mid afternoon and it makes me look extra sad: I am actually surfing in from England (you try finding an English site for cannabis addiction. We like to keep our stiff upper lips and not admit to our drug problems ;-D) My tea addiction is another story but I guess that's not a major problem in the great scheme of things................ ;-D
Best wishes to all, I'll be back soon... Kes