Please help.
My 20 year old son is addicted to marijuana and maybe alcohol.
He was given a citation for possession of marijuana about a month ago.
He was told he could enter the pcl000 class (drug diversion) and have the case dismissed when he completed the program. He insists he cannot enter the class because he "cant" quit using. He admits he's addicted to the drugbut, refuses to get help. He has a good job and, if they find out about this
he's afraid me might lose his job. I desperately want to help my son.
He needs help, how can I convince he to get it?
How can I get help in dealing with this problem. It is destroying me and my relationship with my son.
I am totally devastated.
A desperate mom.
I too have a son ( 17) who has similar circumstances...He is currently on 18 month court supervision for DUI and pocession...Also in an out patient rehab...Still he feels its not a problem ..He can stop anytime..( he appears to have stopped by his urine test results) but now .".Well Alcohol is not my problem.". I think if your son really wants to get help.HE and only he can make that decision..A local NA or AA group would be a good place to start..Not easy to hear..say or do...Belive me..good luck
That drug diversion class is probably the best thing your son could do. He has addmitted that he is addicted and that he "can't" quit, those are big steps in wanting to get some help. My husband has been using marijuana for 20+ years. He recently admitted that he was addicted and couldn't stop if he wanted to, but still didn't see it as a problem. Our life together has been hell because of this drug, it has taken so much away from our family and our relationship many lies, so much lost trust. I had to set some boundaries and stick with them. I wanted him to go talk to a drug councelor, he refused. He told me (once again) that he would quit on his own. I found out he was still using and he knew I had had enough, so he never came home that night. He slept in his truck for 2 nights and then found a place to live. He was gone for 12 days when he came to me and said, "My life with you and the kids, when I'm doing drugs, sucks and my life by myself right now sucks, so I'm going to talk to a drug counselor on Monday morning". He went there every day last week and is going again on Monday morning. He has been doing self assessment classes and I can't believe how much he has learned in a week. He has realized that he doesn't have a real relationship with his kids and he has diagnosed himself as passive aggressive, which definitely fits. He has been clean for 9 days and his whole attitude is different, even the way he talks to me has changed greatly.
My whole point in this is that if my husband can get something out of these classes, anybody can. He didn't think it was a problem, it was just a problem for me, he would say. He would also say, 'I've been smoking pot since I was 9 years old, it's just who I am". It took losing his family to make him realize that it is a problem, for him and everybody around him. He now talks to his kids every night on the phone and picks them up every weekend.
I know we're far from being out of the woods and it scares the heck out of me to give him another chance, but I'm stunned at how much he has learn about himself in those classes.
Oh, and another thing, I didn't think these classes would be my husband's "thing". He didn't do well in school and has never looked within himself for answers to anything. He wasn't interested in getting to know himself any better and, quite frankly, if he doesn't want to get to know himself why would anybody worth knowing want to get to know him?
Your son should give that class a chance. He might be surprised what he learns and what does he have to lose anyway?
My whole point in this is that if my husband can get something out of these classes, anybody can. He didn't think it was a problem, it was just a problem for me, he would say. He would also say, 'I've been smoking pot since I was 9 years old, it's just who I am". It took losing his family to make him realize that it is a problem, for him and everybody around him. He now talks to his kids every night on the phone and picks them up every weekend.
I know we're far from being out of the woods and it scares the heck out of me to give him another chance, but I'm stunned at how much he has learn about himself in those classes.
Oh, and another thing, I didn't think these classes would be my husband's "thing". He didn't do well in school and has never looked within himself for answers to anything. He wasn't interested in getting to know himself any better and, quite frankly, if he doesn't want to get to know himself why would anybody worth knowing want to get to know him?
Your son should give that class a chance. He might be surprised what he learns and what does he have to lose anyway?
My Webpage
I suggest you to get some drug education about marijuana. Here are 2 good material:
The VIDEO: Marijuana The Myth
Many have heard that "Marijuana is natural" or "It can't hurt you" or "It only stays in your system for thirty days". Is this really true?
What are the real effects of Marijuana on your health? Hear the truth like you've never heard before! This video provides up-to-date information about drugs for teenagers, which they won't get anywhere else.
and the BOOK:Clear Body Clear Mind
What causes drug and alcohol cravings?
Can you get rid of drug and toxin residues in your body once and for all?
How have over a quarter of a million people have been freed from continuing effects of harmful substances.
This book answers these questions and provides a complete description of the New Life Detoxification program developed by L. Ron Hubbard that is used in the Narconon program.
Good luck
I suggest you to get some drug education about marijuana. Here are 2 good material:
The VIDEO: Marijuana The Myth
Many have heard that "Marijuana is natural" or "It can't hurt you" or "It only stays in your system for thirty days". Is this really true?
What are the real effects of Marijuana on your health? Hear the truth like you've never heard before! This video provides up-to-date information about drugs for teenagers, which they won't get anywhere else.
and the BOOK:Clear Body Clear Mind
What causes drug and alcohol cravings?
Can you get rid of drug and toxin residues in your body once and for all?
How have over a quarter of a million people have been freed from continuing effects of harmful substances.
This book answers these questions and provides a complete description of the New Life Detoxification program developed by L. Ron Hubbard that is used in the Narconon program.
Good luck