
My son is a long time heroin and pain pill addict. He has had periods of time when he has been clean, but something always seems to bring him back there. This most current sequences of relapse are the worst I have known of. We (his parents) have helped him with his clinic visits where he was prescribed suboxne. Supposedly, he felt it was effective but after less than one week, he relapsed. He went to his local hospital where he said they gave him narcan? and let him suffer through the night covered in his own waste and then released him the next day even when he told them he needed help and felt he is a danger to himself. I talked to him briefly(We live on opposite ends of the US) and he was to return my call yesterday. He did not call and his roommate has not seen him. He has no insurance or job at this point. We are DESPERATE and lost. Does anyone know how he can find a place where he can go for a period of time? He is willing to try anything.
Thankyou and God bless
how old is your son? where does he live? i live on the eastcoast, maybe i can help you. there are many treatment centers for people who have no insurance. does he want to be clean? have you look into a halfway house. there are many over here that are free as long as your able to work and stay with the program and keep clean. there not like the halfway houses for ex cons, they aren't too bad and it may work for him. let me know, i would be more than happy to help.
much luck