Step Work

This question is for people who have worked the step of AA, How did you work step number 12. how did you do it?...
Hi Oscar . When I did step 12 I did some written questions along with videos , prayers etc . Once we complete step 12 then we carry the message to others who are suffering which means sponsoring and working with others.

Below is a condensed version of my step 12 work in addition to videos on step 12. There are many on utube for you to avail of if you do some searching... Hope this will be of some help to you.


TWELFTH STEP PRAYER: Dear God, My spiritual awakening continues to unfold. The help I have received I shall pass on and give to others, both in and out of the fellowship. For this opportunity I am grateful. I pray most humbly to continue walking day by day on the road of spiritual progress. I pray for inner strength and wisdom to practice the principles of this way of life in all I do and say. I need You, my friends, and the Program every hour of every day. This is a better way to live


Please read the Big Book chapter "Working with Others"

Please carefully read both book's step 12.


What is my overall experience as a result of working the Steps?
By doing my own work in Steps 1 through 11, have I developed a new way of thinking, feeling and acting, and connecting with others?
Is it my experience that I have undergone a profound alteration in [my] reaction to life?
Have I had a personality change sufficient to bring about recovery?
What lasting changes have resulted from my spiritual awakening?
Having awakened to the reality that I too am a good and caring person, can I invite others to see themselves the way that a loving higher power might see them, rather than from their own distorted or antagonistic outlook?
What is this message that is referred to in Step 12?
In my experience, does this message include that there is hope, we are not alone, we can stay sober, and we can recover?
Did someone carry the message to me?
Why was an AA member able to reach me in a way that no one else ever had?
What kind of service work am I doing today to carry the message?
What are the step-by-step requirements for Twelfth Step work?
May I share who I am, where I have come from, and how it is for me now?
What does it mean to me to practice? Does it mean to keep trying?
What does it mean to practice these principles (60: 0) in all my affairs?
Do I find life offering opportunities to repeatedly experience my old shortcomings, my old patterns, my old behaviors, my old actors roles, my old thought-habits and my old motives, but each time with new understanding?
How may I deeply wish that others, including myself, may be happy, joyous, and free?
How may I understand that sometimes the best way of loving and helping is to stop enabling someone else to drink?
What is my attitude about sponsorship? What is my attitude about service?
How may I practice spiritual principles, such as compassion, regardless of how I feel?
If my disease is often expressed as self-centeredness, how may I express my recovery as selfless service?

Hi there, first time poster here.
For me its just a continuation, it became a new way of life.
At first it was clunky and clumsy, like learning to play piano, then after a period of months it became second nature.
As with everything else, when in doubt the book is right.