Terri,, huh?? lol
I had to read it several times because I thought you were talking about NA and how people in there would run back and tell others.. Now I think I know what you meant.. maybe not.. I am with Steve, the swat team is on their way.. LOL
I was thinking, now, I went to NA meetings a few times, yet they didn't seem to know each other very well so how the heck could they talk to each other?? ok maybe I not that sharp this morning.. Still trying to wake up.
Steve, you are an inspiration to all on this board.. Amasing how you continue to work 12 hrs and maintain your sanity. ok going to try out this bold thing,, see if it works.
Whoa, first time I used the edit thing and it worked. lol
Terrianne,i know where youre coming from,take what you need and leave the rest.Do whats best for you and what works for you,simply.Dont get overwhelmed by othres on the board,just read,post,get what you can out of it.Try and keep it all positive IF possible.At least i think thats what you mean,lol~KIM
Steve day 5! Youre doing amazing,really! Did you get any better sleep last night? I sure hope so.I agree,i dont know how you're pulling those 12 hour shifts but it seems to be working best for you,keeping busy.I am totally in awe of that,i am such a wimp and i really babied myself too much the first month.I could barely come here and post,i convinced myself i was in such bad shape.I love hearing your upbeat stright forward attitude!Have a great day at work~KIM
That's funny, the Swat team kicking in your doors, lol. You're doing great and there is no reason to be paranoid. Keep doing what you are doing, being willing and honest and you will be fine :-)
hehe i like what you said about oversimplifying things and just not take them. i think its the fittest of the survivalist that makes or brakes a person,
hehe i like what you said about oversimplifying things and just not take them. i think its the fittest of the survivalist that makes or brakes a person,
Maybe somebody can explain it to me?
oh cowgril,
nothing to explkin realy its already been said, go back and reread. steve thought i said the swat team was coming to his home hahaha
nothing to explkin realy its already been said, go back and reread. steve thought i said the swat team was coming to his home hahaha
That's not the part that confused me, Boo, it's the part about the you don't think what is said here, stays here? Here on the board, or NA meetings?
again i can only speak from my own experience with a/a and here on this board. isnt that what we are supposed to do share about our victories, sorrows, achivements and success oh and give each other hope. but really this is steves thread, you have me email.
I think that Steve wouldn't mind us clearing up a statement or two that you made on his thread...
Of course this is where you share all of that stuff...don't see it written anywhere where you shouldn't..
Just curious, that's all. No hidden meanings, no alterive motives.
Have a good day.
Of course this is where you share all of that stuff...don't see it written anywhere where you shouldn't..
Just curious, that's all. No hidden meanings, no alterive motives.
Have a good day.
Hey yall
I made it threw another day,feeling great ...ate like a starved animal,,everything tasted so good today for some reason..Kim I got 5 hours last nite getting better..
told 1 of my suppliers to go fish today..And I am feeling so much better about everything thanks to all of you and your words of encorgement I..have to be back at work @ 4 Am so I dont have much time to post tonight.but I cant tell you how good it feels to come home and have you all here to talk too.
it means alot to me
and yes I have this beat....now im hooked on this site lol
I made it threw another day,feeling great ...ate like a starved animal,,everything tasted so good today for some reason..Kim I got 5 hours last nite getting better..
told 1 of my suppliers to go fish today..And I am feeling so much better about everything thanks to all of you and your words of encorgement I..have to be back at work @ 4 Am so I dont have much time to post tonight.but I cant tell you how good it feels to come home and have you all here to talk too.
it means alot to me
and yes I have this beat....now im hooked on this site lol
Steve,its great to see you feeling so much better!.5 hours sleep is pretty darn good in this short of time,that is just awesome for you.I know what you mean about being addicted to this site.Im here first thing in the morning and half the night,lol...youre doing great,stay strong~KIM
Thanks kim terri cowgirl rachal
im going to bed now and you girls can write whatever you want on my thing i belive in free speech!!!
im going to bed now and you girls can write whatever you want on my thing i belive in free speech!!!
Have a good night Steve
Nice to see you feeling good Steve. Get some rest...4 am, yuck.
good morning all
the start of day 6
this is what would set me off a email from the ex...man do I hate her
any other time i would grab a handfull of perks
but today I will just file it and think about how I caught her..lol
I wish I ahd time to tell that story yall would love it
maybe I will when I get home tonight
every1 have a good day
and just DONT take them
the start of day 6
this is what would set me off a email from the ex...man do I hate her
any other time i would grab a handfull of perks
but today I will just file it and think about how I caught her..lol
I wish I ahd time to tell that story yall would love it
maybe I will when I get home tonight
every1 have a good day
and just DONT take them
Me?? I can't wait to hear that story.....
I'll be waiting all day. Fingers drumming on the key board. Saying hurry up Steve, hurry up...
I'll be waiting all day. Fingers drumming on the key board. Saying hurry up Steve, hurry up...
Steve, just wanted to say I'm glad you're doing well. Keep it up, it's well worth it. And, yes, we all love good stories! So feel free to share when you have time. All the best, and remember the value of a clean day
Hi Steve,how did your day go? I hoep you didnt stress too much about the ex.I imagine thats got to be tough.Im with CG and GreenstoneO,always love to hear others story.~KIM
Just wanted to say congrats on Day # 6... I know it's not easy but your doing great! I enjoy reading your posts you have a great sense of humor. Especially where you told everyone they could continue to post on your thingy you believe in free speech, LOL Too funny. When I read Terrianne's inital post to you I knew you were going to think the swat team was a comin.. Ha-Ha.. I knew what she meant but I knew how you were going to take it too. Being new and all it's not always easy to understand others around here.. Sometimes though Terri gets a little weird on us :-0) but she has a big heart...Take care and hang in there.. Your doing awesome! Rae
Ps. I am with Kim I would love to hear your story later. Gotta love Ex's huh? My ex drives me crazy on a weekly basis. Thank goodness that man doesn't have the internet. The phone is bad enough.. Ha-Ha..
Just wanted to say congrats on Day # 6... I know it's not easy but your doing great! I enjoy reading your posts you have a great sense of humor. Especially where you told everyone they could continue to post on your thingy you believe in free speech, LOL Too funny. When I read Terrianne's inital post to you I knew you were going to think the swat team was a comin.. Ha-Ha.. I knew what she meant but I knew how you were going to take it too. Being new and all it's not always easy to understand others around here.. Sometimes though Terri gets a little weird on us :-0) but she has a big heart...Take care and hang in there.. Your doing awesome! Rae
Ps. I am with Kim I would love to hear your story later. Gotta love Ex's huh? My ex drives me crazy on a weekly basis. Thank goodness that man doesn't have the internet. The phone is bad enough.. Ha-Ha..