Still Hanging

Just a quick update to y'all,
I'm down to 6 mg with a little over two weeks left. Not sleeping much & it gets harder to get started everyday. Once I get a shower and hit the pavement I do better.
It's starting to effect my mood at school, I almost lost it yesterday. This quarter is a tough one. I've been working between 12 & 16 hours a day to keep up.
But I new that I was going to have to deal with some pain when I made my mind up to get off the meth.
I'm as determined as ever and still going strong.

Say a prayer for me :)

Love to all!
If anyone can do this it's you Zekk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 mg? That's like nothing...............I'll message Zero Girl to leave you a reply......she knows of this...............I don't doubt it's tough as s*it though.........and here you go through school and've done so well, Zekk!

Hang tight buddy................that's an insane day you have.............who wouldn't be losing it..............anybody would.............just stay tough.

Prayers going up tonight, Zekk.............check in if you can, O.K.?