Hi, everyone.... I'm sure I'm not the first person who is trying to find answers how to stop taking suboxone. Here is my short version of a long story...
I came to the United States over 10.5 years ago from Ukraine... I have never used any drugs before I came here. Sometime after 5 years into being here I started being unhappy and having some problems with my husband, who is very strongly opinionated person... anyway long story short, I started drinking first, then came some pain pills every now and then ... in 2015 I finally decided this is not helping me to figure out why I'm so unhappy and I decided to stop drinking or taking pills. Went through a hypnotherapy and , believe it or not it did help! I never thought hypnotherapy would help but it did the magic. One year went by and I was doing great but still not happy and being sober helped me to realize that I needed a change in my marriage. My husband at that time would not want to change and I knew it. He didn't want to go to the therapy either, saying it was my problem and not his. So.... after a while I asked him for a divorce..... very difficult period in my life. I didn't turn back to drinking but after a minor surgery I went back to pain pills. After a few months on them I wanted to stop and my now ex husband said his friend stopped pain killers by starting taking suboxone. Stupid me .... I fell for it... and my ex was the one who could get them for me avoiding having to deal with my regular doctor.
Anyway I have been taking Suboxone 8 mg a day for about 6 months now and decided I'm done and want to get myself back to who I was when I came to the United States 10.5 years ago.
I managed to cut my dose down to 2mg a day and ran out of pills last Sunday. I didn't want to deal with getting more from my ex and decided to just suck it up and just stop.
I took last dose August 14 at about 8am. I was fine for about half a day but then it hit me that I have no more of them and will have to go through WD .... I cried the rest of Sunday and woke up Monday morning very anxious and scared. I have one friend who knows what is going on and he gives me all the support he can but obviously he can not ease my WD symptoms.
I cried pretty much all Monday too... went to my office(I own a small business) and did just what I had to do and came back home.
I live alone, my daughter is at college and I don't have many friends.... It's very difficult to deal with WD by yourself. I started looking on the internet and reading about how to get off of Suboxone and what supplements to use... after reading about WD symptoms I realized I should have tapered off longer and possibly I wouldn't be suffering so much...? I still had hope. So I did call my ex asking if I could get 28mg for the last time and I came up with a plan(with internet schedule help) how to taper off.
I cut up pills into the pieces and marked them by dates.
I was having a very bad anxiety attacks since last Sunday so when I got my last 4 pills I took 1/4 to calm me down and get my head straight... I know, probably not the best decision..
I would really appreciate any input you guys all might have for me and any support you can give! I am very determined to do this and never ever touch this again !
Thank you for reading.
Hello. I am going through a similar situation except I DID jump off at 2mg. I hadn't read all of the good information about tapering until I was already on like Day 3, and I didn't really want to go backwards. It has not been fun, but I am on Day 6, and have no interest in ever going back. I'm only responding to wish you luck, and so you don't feel as alone. I posted something on here and noone responded which kinda made me sad. I don't want you to feel the same. Hopefully even more people will encourage you! I'm proud of you, and I don't even know you!
Hi... Thank you for replying to me! And good luck! I couldn't just stop so luckily for me I could get 4 more pills so I can taper off. I already cut them in doses and took 1.5 mg today. So far feeling ok but I know it will start wear off in the later afternoon. My biggest problem is anxiety and depression. I can tolerate any other physical symptoms but not the mental ones.
How are you doing? Please keep in touch! I'm so glad you replied!
By the way, my name is Lana.
How are you doing? Please keep in touch! I'm so glad you replied!
By the way, my name is Lana.
Hi again Lana. That is a pretty name! Good job figuring out a taper schedule for yourself. I hope you have an easy go of it all. For me, I have really had to make my brain super strong, set and sure. Stopping any thoughts that aren't conducive to staying off suboxone. I NEED to be done with it, and I know it, so I just keep reminding myself that it will never be any easier than it is today, so now is the time! I think all in all I've been pretty lucky/successful. It could have been much worse, and I suppose it could still become that way. I sure hope not. I'd like to think that at 7 days I have passed the most acute time of w/ds. Keep me posted!
re: crying - for all of us dealing with addiction, there is a grieving process.
I'm doing ok so far but I also know that my 1.5 mg was added on top of whatever was left from my previous dose of 2mg. I finally set my mind to look at this situation just like I did when my doctor tapered me off antidepressants a while back. It's just a medication and a lot of withdrawal symptoms are mental. No one died from suboxone WDls.
I researched online about supplements that might help and went and bought them. Now I started taking them while tapering off suboxone.
Thank you so much for replying and supporting me. Everyone needs support during such a difficult time in life. I know it's possible to stop taking anything! You just need to really want it and set your mind on sticking to the schedule!
I researched online about supplements that might help and went and bought them. Now I started taking them while tapering off suboxone.
Thank you so much for replying and supporting me. Everyone needs support during such a difficult time in life. I know it's possible to stop taking anything! You just need to really want it and set your mind on sticking to the schedule!
Lana, it sounds like you have the perfect mindset! You can DO THIS!!!!! Woot woot! Soon you will be telling me how YOU feel on Day 7 w/o the horrific suboxone!!!! That said, I do think suboxone is WONDERFUL when used how, and for what it is intended. I just blew it!
check out SMARTrecovery.com helpful to read, maybe join.support and suggestions and knowledge. sometimes knowing more information gives you power bc you know what is happening and not guessing or surprised.
Thank you very much for the advice on those sites! I'll definitely check them out tonight
I've read lots of good stories where it helped people to get off other mess. Maybe suboxone is helpful but like you said, when used properly... just saying...
I'm really glad you responded to my post! I didn't think anyone would. Thank you and keep updating yours!
I'm really glad you responded to my post! I didn't think anyone would. Thank you and keep updating yours!
Just a quick update.. last night I had a small headache but really not a big deal. I did a lot of personal errands and office work throughout the day yesterday and it was very encouraging! Woke up a few times at night but , again, not a big deal to me because I honestly haven't had normal sleep pattern ever since my divorce about a year and a half ago...
anyway, woke this morning a little bit anxious and have no appetite whatsoever. Went to see my friend early morning and he made me a very delicious smoothie which I had difficult time drinking but I did anyway. Came home, took some supplements I bought and still was feeling anxious. Anxiety is my biggest problem when I'm going through WDs. I didn't want to take my 1.5 mg so early in the morning so I waited until about 8:30 to take it. It's been about 30 minutes but still can't feel an affect from it. Hopefully will get feeling somewhat better in a while.
I hope it'll be strong enough to go through this. One of my big motivations is that I won't be dependent on my ex to get me those pills. It's like I've been giving him power over me...! And I want to take this power back! I have nowhere else to get them neither do I want to go find them elsewhere! I'm ready to be finished with all the pills for good. Thank you for everyone's support!
anyway, woke this morning a little bit anxious and have no appetite whatsoever. Went to see my friend early morning and he made me a very delicious smoothie which I had difficult time drinking but I did anyway. Came home, took some supplements I bought and still was feeling anxious. Anxiety is my biggest problem when I'm going through WDs. I didn't want to take my 1.5 mg so early in the morning so I waited until about 8:30 to take it. It's been about 30 minutes but still can't feel an affect from it. Hopefully will get feeling somewhat better in a while.
I hope it'll be strong enough to go through this. One of my big motivations is that I won't be dependent on my ex to get me those pills. It's like I've been giving him power over me...! And I want to take this power back! I have nowhere else to get them neither do I want to go find them elsewhere! I'm ready to be finished with all the pills for good. Thank you for everyone's support!
Yesterday was a bit different for me ... I guess my body is starting catching up with lower dose. I felt anxious before I took my lower dose in the morning and after a while it started working and my anxiety went away however sometime between 1 and 2 pm it came back. Luckily for me I had a small trip planned and it helped me to get my mind off of things... it was just a day trip but it did the trick. I did sleep some at night but not until about 2 am .... I guess I'm having a Restless Leg Syndrome now... My legs feel on fire half a night until I finally put them under the cold water and put an ice pack on them. I really don't want to move them, they are just feel very very hot to touch! Can anyone tell me if it's RLS or something else? I really don't want to be taking more pills for it, I'd rather use some vitamins/herb remedies to help if possible. Tomorrow is my last day on 1.5mg and Tuesday I'm going to 1. I'm trying not to think about lowering my dose because I know a lot of WDs are cause because of our mental state and obsessing over it. I'll just try to go on with my day as usual and schedule some fun things to do.
This is my biggest advice to everyone - find one thing you really like doing and try to do it during the worst WDs days... I don't care what it is as long as it brings you pleasure, just do it!
For some people it's walking, exercising, art, music, even sex... when your brain is occupied it doesn't have time to think of anything else. Lets face it you can't be anxious or depressed while you are having an orgazm :)))) LOL
Good luck to all of you and I'll keep posting here hoping it will help someone ....
This is my biggest advice to everyone - find one thing you really like doing and try to do it during the worst WDs days... I don't care what it is as long as it brings you pleasure, just do it!
For some people it's walking, exercising, art, music, even sex... when your brain is occupied it doesn't have time to think of anything else. Lets face it you can't be anxious or depressed while you are having an orgazm :)))) LOL
Good luck to all of you and I'll keep posting here hoping it will help someone ....
Hello, I am seeing all these post of people saying that they started feeling better after 6 days and 7 days. I am 43 yrs old and been taking suboxone atleast 4mg and more if possible. I also take nuerotins along with them cause they boost the effects (4 a lil while, then its just another money pit addiction. I am on my 1st day without both. I have NEVER tried 2 quit both at the same time b4.I have been on suboxone for over 3 yrs everyday without fail. I was in a suboxone clinic from Oct. '16 til April of '17 til I was terminated for having klonopin in my system. The last time I tried to quit something it was the nuerotins. I went 12 days without and still felt like death. Now I am going 2 have 2 quit both at the same time. I am scared 2 death and there is nothing I can do. I have no money 2 go buy any and no 1 who will help me. I am afraid I am going 2 dy from this. People try and say you can't die from withdrawal, but I been in jail a couple times and seen guys who came in and didn't live but 3 or maybe 4 days. Some would go into seizures and fall off thier bunks onto the floor and we would holler for the guards 2 come , but time they would get there the people would have laid there and died! I wish 1 week is all it would take 2 quit. That would be a cake walk. The last time I seriously tried quitting suboxone has been about 6 yrs ago and then I went 11 days and still felt as bad as I did on the 3rd. I figure I am looking at a minimum of 2 weeks and that is if I am lucky, and can survive it here on my own with no 1 2 look after me!
Hi, there. I know you are scared and if you have some health issues I guess it will get things even worse once WD symptoms come. Is there any way you can taper off those pills you are taking? I tried to stop jumping off 4mg a day after being on Suboxone only for about less than a year and I couldn't do it. I was so cold, depressed and anxious all the time... I went and got 4 pills from someone and found a taper calculator online, split those pills and just sticking to my schedule no matter what! I know everyone is different and prior history with substance abuse means a lot. I know if I had a person who would live with me while I'm going through this and was literally holding me in his hand pretty much all day long trying to comfort me while I cried I would feel a lot better... but the reality is I live alone and have two dogs... so I have to figure out how to get through this alone. I'm only on my day 4 and down to 1.5 mg a day. So far not too bad if I keep myself occupied during the day which is not easy and requires lots of effort!
Hang in there and if you are really concerned about your health please get yourself to the doctor!
Write me and ask any questions. I'll try to help you as much as I can. Good luck
Hang in there and if you are really concerned about your health please get yourself to the doctor!
Write me and ask any questions. I'll try to help you as much as I can. Good luck
Thank you 4 taking the time 2 talk 2 me and listen 2 my complaints. I dont know how 2 pronounce your alias. I assume it is an alias. Mine is my real knickname that I use, but thats getting off topic. Today I had about 1.3 mills. of Suboxone and a couple 400 mill. nuerotins. I am not feeling my best, but I'm off the toilet bowl and thats a start. For me, I'm 43 by the way, cant remember if I have said that yet or not but, I have been on and off this seesaw for the last 20 yrs. I was an alcoholic to begin with from age 14 on til about 34. Then, I don't know if it's because of the opiate usage starting around 28 when I was in a wreck and times where different. Back in the day you could go 2 the ER and they would write you 30 perks like it was nothing 4 a booboo ir sumthing. But now times have changed. I can't go 2 my local hospital and get any satisfactory treatment, even though they know I have ruptured disk and my teeth are broke off at the gum line and kill me most days. My teeth are really hurting me 2day. It takes work 2 get 2 see a dentist were i live. you have 2 show up at maybe 6am. and hope you are 1 of the 10 folks they pick 2 help that day, which is only on fri. and only 1 time a month. And being an addict I have no ride , no way 2 get there , and if i dont have a dose I aint going . So I live with the mouth pain all the time. But this time when I get off this s***....I'm staying off....I'm getting 2 old 4 this . Plus Im in a rural small town where every1 knows ever1 else beeswax. I'm not use 2 that. I was In a midsize city of about 55,000 for most of my adult life. Things are very different and much better. I was suckered into coming back here after a stint in prison. I had a job, a truck, a license, and a home. I have lost all of that because of dirty lawenforcement that You have 2 deal with here.I plan on getting out of this area. I have been in more fights here in the past 5 yrs than I was in in 3 yrs of prison. But the last I gave a good asswhipping 2 so too prove a point and hopefully be left alone...lol The problems started when I hooked up with this crazy chick online. WE met and found we liked each other. But I didn't know her brother was a sherriff and her nephew a state police. I beat the s*** out of her brother at my parents house a few weeks ago and it was the nephew(state police) that came 2 the house and took the report. It was a joke. But I made my point. I just want 2 be left alone and deal with my problems. I dont bother no 1 but I am 2 the point that it dont take much 4 me 2 put my asskickin' boots on anmd handle my business. I live in a rough place. In a way its just a big prison. Every1 has lost there licenses and there are no jobs. Every1 is in and out of the clinics here because they ask 2 much of an addict. They wont treat you for opiates if you have any benzo's in you. Thank god I never developed a taste for benzo's, but I like 1 everynow and again if I please, but i dont take them every day. the only thing that has ever grabbed me that i cant kick are these dam opiates...I wish Id never seen the 1st 1. swear
Looks like you need to make a huge change in your life. Maybe move to a different city... if it makes you happier... but the thing us, unfortunately, none of the life changes will help you until you decide to change inside yourself. I don't mean to sound not encouraging but it's true. I finally realized it myself. Nothing makes us happy until we find happiness inside ourselves. Have an internal piece is very important. First step would be to truly forgive yourself for whatever you've done in your life that makes you ashamed. Once you forgive yourself don't look back and try to be a better person in life. We all have our past but it doesn't mean we stay the same through out our life! People change all the time and we can change to be a better person or go to the opposite direction and become an awful person. This depends on the choices we make.
So please start making better choices for yourself! No one can do this for you! I'm going to be 41 and life doesn't end here unless YOU choose to do so. Do I have difficult life? Probably comparing to some other people I don't but it's difficult for me. Looking through my own glasses it is very difficult! Being a very loving and caring person have I ever thought I'd be living alone...? It's just killings me! But the facts are staying the same: I'm alone at the moment and can either choose to give up or to get up and make my life better. And that's the choices you have to make for yourself. Do you want to be addicted to this sh***? Or do you want to make a decision to change your life and make it different? This is the choice only you can make! No one else can force you to do it because frankly it won't work if it's not your decision.....
So please start making better choices for yourself! No one can do this for you! I'm going to be 41 and life doesn't end here unless YOU choose to do so. Do I have difficult life? Probably comparing to some other people I don't but it's difficult for me. Looking through my own glasses it is very difficult! Being a very loving and caring person have I ever thought I'd be living alone...? It's just killings me! But the facts are staying the same: I'm alone at the moment and can either choose to give up or to get up and make my life better. And that's the choices you have to make for yourself. Do you want to be addicted to this sh***? Or do you want to make a decision to change your life and make it different? This is the choice only you can make! No one else can force you to do it because frankly it won't work if it's not your decision.....
Not so good day for me today... I can't stop crying... feeling very upset and emotional.. just laying in bed and don't want to get up or do anything
sorry to hear you are not feeling well today. one day at a time - I'm sure you will go thru ups and downs. sometimes we expect too much to fast and then feel disappointment that we did not reach our self imposed goals...
try seeing a naturopathic - for supplements and natural things to support the body/immune system or homeopathic dr - gives homeopathic remedy based on your symptoms or functional medicine dr - analyzes blood work to see what parts of your body need help and will prescribe medication, diet, exercise that fits with what your body needs.
also - pay attention to diet - more protein and salad, vegetables - the green ones are best - less to no sugar, flour products, carbs. drink water, water, water, not soda, limit caffeine
ie - chicken, salmon, tuna, spinage, kale
it does feel like a grief when we are breaking habits. we don't always want to, but we know what is best for us. we know we are leaving parts of our life behind and can not go back. it is a tough place. hope you are feeling better soon!
try seeing a naturopathic - for supplements and natural things to support the body/immune system or homeopathic dr - gives homeopathic remedy based on your symptoms or functional medicine dr - analyzes blood work to see what parts of your body need help and will prescribe medication, diet, exercise that fits with what your body needs.
also - pay attention to diet - more protein and salad, vegetables - the green ones are best - less to no sugar, flour products, carbs. drink water, water, water, not soda, limit caffeine
ie - chicken, salmon, tuna, spinage, kale
it does feel like a grief when we are breaking habits. we don't always want to, but we know what is best for us. we know we are leaving parts of our life behind and can not go back. it is a tough place. hope you are feeling better soon!
I have bought me lots of supplements after doing a research online about what your body needs while in WDs. And I have been taking them regularly. I didn't expect a miracle from any of them. What us literally killing me is my mood swings and crying 24/7.... this is my second day of crying so far... I just can't stop and have a unbearable migraine for two days. Any advice? Please...
I haven't been here for a while and just want to update whoever is reading this about my progress. I'm tapering off suboxone with a schedule I found online. I'm currently taking .75mg per day. Today is my second day on this lower dose. What I've noticed is that second day when tapering to the lower dose is the most difficult for me emotionally and physically. I feel like my emotions are all over the place and I'm having anxiety throughout the day. Other than that I have no other physical symptoms of withdrawals. I suppose I need to consider myself a lucky one... the problem is I'd rather have to tolerate physical symptoms than mental ones. I have very little support where I live. My best friend who knows everything is out of town. He usually took me places to have fun and let me forget about things but this is out of the picture for another week. Thanks to a friend I made through this site I don't feel completely alone. She knows who she is if she is reading this
I'm not sure I'm making it easier on myself by tapering.... maybe I should have stopped it all at once.... any thoughts anyone?
I'm not sure I'm making it easier on myself by tapering.... maybe I should have stopped it all at once.... any thoughts anyone?