Strange That Of All That Talk About Bup

I find it interesting that with all the posts and questions about bup, the ones for it and against it, that only 27 people read my post earlier, ( not that Im offended or an ego maniac and need people to read everything I write"that no one responded . I know my post was long and there is no need to respond but I would highly suggest that those intrested go to the site and get the free 200 page booklet from health and human services on the clinicalguidlines for the use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opiod addiction - a treatment improvment protocol TIP 40. There are just so many questions and this book will cover more than most would even think of asking as it an easy read for anyone but its mainly put out for drs using it or interested in using it Just a thought Best to all Ray
I'm responding so that you won't get your feelings But seriously, Ray, you are providing valuable information for people and that is what keeps us impowered..information. Thank you.

Well you sure have been a big help to me, I'm still torn which way to go, methadone cause of its ease to get in a program (but difficulty to get off) and sub, which seems a better way, but a lot of work to find a Dr. The answer should be obvious, but i always like the easy quick way. You have been a big help to me Ray, more then u know.