How does this work? If you are suboxone under a doctor's care, will it show up as an opiate in a pre-employment drug test? I've often wondered as my son was on suboxone for 6 mos. and we worried about his ability to pass a pre-employment drug test. I'm hopeful he can stay off ( he's in rehab now) but just in case, several people have stated they have been on a low dose of suboxone for years and it has helped them be functioning member of society. Any feedback appreciated.
Haven't got a reply...Surely someone on suboxone has tried to get a job that involves a drug test? How is that handled and if under a doctors care, can they refuse to employ you? Thx!
Gf got job had drug test and was on oxy's. Has valid prescription. Brought to drug test. So it's okay. Here is the best part. After losing custody of baby because of abuse, court ordered her to take as prescribed. So doctor not knowing ups her dose. They are totally oblivious to addiction. She is a master manipulater.
Thanks so much, this helps. Sad that doctors feed in to this and addicts have them right where they want them, feeling sorry for addict and wanting to help when they are just digging a grave for them. And yes, they are the best manipulator. You would think docs would be trained to look out for this but many just keep writing the scripts in an effort to help. Saw it first hand through my sons psychiatrist!
I'm a truck driver and have UA's often. Most test are either 5-7-10 panel test that test the commonly abused drugs. Suboxone is very specific drug that requires it to be specifically tested for (like when you go to the dr and he's making sure you're taking your meds). It's very unlikely it will be a problem and even if it was detected you're prescribed it.
ive never had suboxone come up in DOT tests, or employment tests.
only specific testing, for me i have had it done by my suboxone doctor only.
only specific testing, for me i have had it done by my suboxone doctor only.
I have a job interview tomarrow witch will require a drug test I have been on Suboxone or quite sometime.i haven't taken it since last night.i will go to interview tomarrow at 8am inwitch they will give me 48 hours to go for the test.will they show up if I do not take them till after my test?plz help
I don't know but I took a employer test while taking stubs and didn't hear anything about it.
I have taken urine pre employment drug tests while on suboxone (which I have taken for 2 1/2 years and successfully stayed sober) and it has never showed up. I also get tested every month at my doctors office but they specifically test for that along with all other commonly abused drugs and street drugs. I am going for a 10 panel + oxy02 today for a nursing position at the department of corrections and they will probably test for that as it is a more commonly used drug now, but I have a valid prescription and have never and will never abuse what has helped me regain my life and health!! I'm so thankful for finally waking up from the fog and darkness that I once called life! I only hope that all still suffering will one day awaken and find their way home. Until then I'll be praying for everyone. AMEN
Unless they test specifically for sub it will not show up. Sub does not show up as an opiate.
12 stepper thanks, I thought so but wasn't positive, also do you know what the oxy02 test combined with the 10 panel tests for? Is that a specific test for OxyContin and other expanded opiates? That is what I was thinking but not 100% sure and if anyone else knows I would really appreciate the help. I only ask because I don't think everyone needs to know that I take suboxone (down to very low dose), it was and always will be a part of me but I don't want it to hold me back in my career. I have been sober 31 months and I'm so thankful for that everyday, and I'm also thankful for medication that keeps my mind straight ahead! I don't want to EVER go back to where I was.
I have been issues employer screening many times over the years and suboxone never was addressed while I was prescribed or buying it off the street. that being said I am a little nervous with the natural attention being put on it lately and I just came off a quick detox due to the old just once turns month relapse(that got me back in the rooms again thankfully) and will be taking a screening tomorrow. been maybe 5 days off so it would show if they tested for it. I will definitely let you guys know what happens.