Suboxone Questions

Hi everyone,
I have been an addict for about 3 yeras and have tried to quit many times but the w/d has always brought me back to use. Has anyone ever used suboxone? If so, can you tell me about it and how it works? does it really take away the pain and discomfort of w/d. Any info would greatly be appreciated.
Yes it does that way the pain from withdrawl. If you read some of the other posts I am sure you will find a lot of information that will help you. Good Luck, Rae
Hi Redd,
My husband takes is working very well for him. I have a bunch of info on it.....I put in some links for you to check out. One is a locator that will help you find a doc that can perscribe it.
Good Luck,
go to the sites that misty is giving you. I am sure you will find the what you need :-)
I found it ladybug
sorry to bother you Misty
Oh good you found it........
I found anoth good site with a lot of sub info.

How are you doing today my dear friend ?
Im Ok, Marina thanks, I've been sliding around in the snow, I need some better tires for me forerunner, but I love snow.

You seem to be in good spirits, thats good to see.

Oh John I am so Jealous!!!!! All we got is nasty rain...........
Good afternoon all.Marina how are you how did you make out.To Redd I just started the suboxone yesterday and as far as helping withdrawl I wish I looked into this drug along time ago.I feel better.I have had alittle depression but after taking 15+ pills for the last 3 years I guess that is to be expected.So far I would give a 2 thumbs up to it......mj