I stopped taking zubsolve (suboxone) 6 weeks ago and its still showing up positive on my drug screen. I have suffered disabling stomach pains for the past month. Muscle spasms in my arms, legs, and abdomen. Its been my experience that withdrawing from just plain opiates usually lasts 3 days of physical symptoms. Its taking over a month of withdrawal symptoms to get off this drug. Much easier to just get it over with in 3 days by stopping opiates than the hell for over a month. As I said, it still shows up on a drug screen at 30 days. Ive been pretty much bedridden for a month. Acute Stomach pain, major major depression, and everything bad is what can happen when you stop taking it. Better to not even start suboxone/zubsolve. IMO
I agree with you but just hang in there youll get through it soon. Youve come this far which is the hardest part. You got this!
Any updates on your progress?
Happy Holidays!