
My son is new to suboxone. I hand him his morning and evening dose. I have found a syringe today. I thought you couldn't us while on suboxone? Can anyone share their experience
I don't have a whole lot of knowledge on suboxone, only from when my boyfriend briefly took. Do you watch/see your son take it?
This is a thread from another forum...might help...also...go to the sub board...lots of info there....


you can use heroin over the top of suboxone and not get bad withdrawals, what you will do however is really push your tolerance levels through the roof and may need to adjust further suboxone doeses up higher for maintenance...for this you need a doctor.

ANyway... once you have taken your first dose of suboxone and have not experienced the 'bad withdrawals' of taking suboxone too early in the game then your all set and ok. It's only on your first dose you need to be worried about that.

My advice is DONT tkae the both together..I have done it many times and it makes it 100 times harder to make the suboxone do it's job, which is to get you OFF the heroin.

It will only take about 3 days to get past the worst of it all, after 3 days the suboxone will have worked it way into your system properly and then you only need to worry about your dose drops to get you off the suboxone and clean.

p.s.s - whatever you do DONT shoot up suboxone - it has narcan in it designed to stop you doing this no matter what level of withdrawals you are at or what you doing, you will plant yourself into a living hell and there will be nothing anyone can give you to get you back.


How old is your son? Is he living with you? Does he want to get clean?