Some of you know that when I was induced with Sub I was coming off of a 400mg/day habit. It was that high because that is all I could get.LOL I did not do a prior methadone taper nor was I in wds when I went to my first Sub appointment. I took my last 60mgs 24 hours before switching to Sub. In the Drs office I was given 2mgs of Sub and 30 minutes later felt no different but that was a good thing. The Dr gave me a weeks worth of Sub and told me when I got it filled to take 4mgs more. I must admit that the addict in me came out and I thought if 4mgs will do me good then 8mgs will be even better. It was as if everything I had learned about Sub through reading material and other's experience, just went "poof" and was absent from my brain.
I went into severe and I mean severe, precipitated withdrawals on the way home while driving down the interstate outside Knoxville, Tn. I got so sick that I pulled the vehicle over and had to let my wife drive. Now this would not mean much except for the fact that my wife had a grade 4 brain aneurysm in 1998 and has not driven since. She has not even had liscense in 8 years. That is how sick I was. I thought I was an expert when it came to opiate wds because I have CT from percs and hydros more than a dozen times prior to getting on methadone. I had no idea what wds were until I had ten years of methadone use at whopping daily doses ripped right off my receptors at once. I was so sick I could barely walk and there was one instance trying to get home that I did not walk, but fell. For six weeks I thought the pain I felt in my back was wd related. Then I went and had some x-rays taken of my back. Come to find out I fractured my spine as well as compressed some disks. It still seems ironic that I've created the most nagging pain I have ever had as the result of getting off of pain medication.
My problem now is everytime I stand for 30 minutes or more, my back starts hurting and gets worse by the minute. I umpire baseball in the spring and summer and have to stand for hours at a time. Depending on whether it is a weeknight or weekend, I have to be on my feet from 4 to 11 hours straight. The only thing that gives me relief is lying down and when umpiring I cannot lay down on the job(pun intended). I have between Grade 2 and Grade 3 Chronic Kidney Disease which precludes me from taking any motrin or alleve like medications(NSAIDS). I have tried moist heat and braces to no avail.
I realize that Sub was first put on the market as an analgesic and lots of people that use it for opiate addiction, also gets some pain relief. But to my dismay I am not one of them. I would appreciate hearing from peope who get relief from Sub and how they dose. I have never in my life had back pain before until last September when I was induced and went into precip. wds. Last umpiring season was over then, so the concern I have now I did not have then.
This will be my first year umpiring without being on methadone and I was looking so forward to it. While on methadone, I was depressed and found it hard to 'keep my head' in the game so to speak. But now, I dread this season as much as I look foward to it because of just how debilitating this back pain can be.
I really believe, as does my Sub Dr, that my heavy methadone use is making the Sub I take useless as an analgesic. I usually dose twice a day. The only thing I know to do when umpiring starts is to take 4mgs in the morning and the rest of my daily dose approx. 30 minutes before game time. Any other suggestions will be appreciated. I may also move this to the Sub forum but most people that read there probably read here as much, if not more.
Going back to full agonist opiates is and always will be, a last resort. And getting back on methadone will only be an option if I am on my death bed.
Hi Jw & Im so so sorry to hear that the Sub doesnt help your pain.
I am one of those who is on Sub not only for my addictive issues but also because of chronic pain from Chrons.
When I first started I was on 24mg a day.I would do 1 8mg in the morning 1 8mg in the afternoon & 18mg at nite.
I was like that for about 2 years.I myself wanted to see if I could taper down & still control my pain.
For me(which you may not understand being a man)the pain I have from Chrons feels like labor pains with no break in between.Not only does my lower tummy hurt but my lower spine & legs.
Anyways,I have gotten down to between 8-10mg a day.does it take the pain totally away?No but I can bare with the pain I am in.Im not all doubled up in bed anymore.
I feel that different pains will be effected differently.Like deep bone pain...I dont know too many things that actually relieve that.As I said it takes the edge off for me but the pain is still there.
I do totally understand your position though.I myself have just found out that the insurence in my state(NY)has changed & they are only paying for a 5 mth script on Sub.Which mean my Dr & I have until March to work it out as he plans on keeping me on Sub long-term.
I dont know if I helped any,but I wanted to give you my input about this
again Im so sorry you are in the pain your in & I pray you find some relief in a safe manner
I am one of those who is on Sub not only for my addictive issues but also because of chronic pain from Chrons.
When I first started I was on 24mg a day.I would do 1 8mg in the morning 1 8mg in the afternoon & 18mg at nite.
I was like that for about 2 years.I myself wanted to see if I could taper down & still control my pain.
For me(which you may not understand being a man)the pain I have from Chrons feels like labor pains with no break in between.Not only does my lower tummy hurt but my lower spine & legs.
Anyways,I have gotten down to between 8-10mg a day.does it take the pain totally away?No but I can bare with the pain I am in.Im not all doubled up in bed anymore.
I feel that different pains will be effected differently.Like deep bone pain...I dont know too many things that actually relieve that.As I said it takes the edge off for me but the pain is still there.
I do totally understand your position though.I myself have just found out that the insurence in my state(NY)has changed & they are only paying for a 5 mth script on Sub.Which mean my Dr & I have until March to work it out as he plans on keeping me on Sub long-term.
I dont know if I helped any,but I wanted to give you my input about this
again Im so sorry you are in the pain your in & I pray you find some relief in a safe manner