
haven't posted for a while. my guys been clean for 6 months, been living with him for 5 months. he'll never talk to me about it or anyone for that matter, this worries me. i know trust is a big part in him staying clean and if he doesn't think i believe in him he might just go back to it but its hard because deep down its hard to get that trust back when it comes to the drugs because its something that has really hurt me in the past with him because i love this guy to death but i think back to those days that were not that long ago i couldn't handle it again, how bad he looked when he came back from a binge brings a tear to my eyes. feel i can't get my hopes up to much because we haven't got thru it yet, and i know how much he wants to do this and i do think his strong enough i wish i could be more of a help to him but he won't let me in he says its something he has to deal with on his own. advise anyone??
I don't know that my advise is going to be what you want to hear but honey if you friend isn't willing to want to talk to you about it, is he talking to anyone at all????? from experience in this matter my ex-husband of a long time was shall I say still is a terrible drug, alcohol, and gambling addict. I went threw treatment with him for at least 5 times and each time he got out he always told me that he never wanted to talk about it only went to maybe one AA meeting and another time while he was in treatment that was judge ruled only becasue he begged the judge to put him there so he could change. hahahahaha he informed me that while there as soon as he got out he would try to stop drinking but he would never ever stop smoking pot.
I think what i am trying to tell you is that you should probaly not just sit back and wait for him to see how he is doing and you should actually try to talk to him. He isn't talking to others so how is he really staying clean.????? I think that is the question you need to ask yourself and maybe you should ask him!
You may get more responses on the Family and Friends board, may want to re-post it there.