~~sweetpea~~and Friends

HI !!

miss ya!


How is our sweet Stephy doing? Okay I hope.

Happy Valentine's day Thumper!!
janet...................thank you !
u2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stephy is doing great...........we are like sisters by this time and we both cant believe how close we are.........

even our families know about this friendship of a blessing...........

but she dont post here much cause she is busy and just moving on with life and I think thats wonderful....................

hello everyone................

i hope to see alot of kind posters that will pop and and post just to say HI !!!

life is to short.

happy valentines day..................


thumps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Thumper...

I'm so glad to see things are going well for you...

I miss you and hope you're not working too hard...

Take care, my friend.

God bless,
Hi Thumper,

I miss you too. I am so happy to have you as my friend and I am glad that we are so close. You have gotten me through some tough times and I am so grateful for that. It seems like you always know when something is going on with me.

Hi everyone,

I haven't been on here in a long time. I didn't have the internet and I just got it back. I am doing good. I am gonna have a baby girl in March. I have 4 more weeks to go. It hasn't been easy, but I am making it.

HI Janet,

How are you doing?
Oh Stephy, congratulations on that baby girl! You are so lucky, I always wanted a girl, but love my boys. I have that gorgeous granddaughter but don't get to see her bc they live so far away!

I'm glad you are doing well, you have my email addy if you need me, or Thumper can give it to you!
I was gonna say something about Stephy being pregnant, but didn't want to til' she cleared it. I can't wait to see pics. Mrs. Diva is gonna be a great big sis.

Love you.

Girls are a lot of fun, but they are also a lot of work. My daughter was so much harder than the boys. I am still excited though. Now I will have two of each. Today I went shopping with my mom because she is throwing me a baby shower. She bought me a new car seat and a bouncer and a bunch of other stuff. We had a lot of fun too, although it was hard because I had to take all my kids with me, my husband had to work this weekend.

I can't wait til I have my baby, I have ended up going to the couch to sleep every night this week because my bed is just so uncomfortable and it is easier to get up off the couch. I don't know how much more room I have for this baby to grow, my stomach is so big already.

But I am still doing good. I am taking subutex 4 mgs. I was on 8 but I weaned down to 4. I don't know if I should try to wean down more before the baby is born. I wanted to get off when I was first pregnant but the doctor told me that it would be too hard for the baby if I got off of it, so I have stayed on it.
steffie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so nice to hear from you
a baby girl, how special.
can you post a pregger pic of you? and the kids?
i am down to 4 mg of sub and have 19 mos clean!!!
i hope that you can come here on a regular basis since you have internet now, i have missed you! love jewels
hi thumper and winnie!!!!!!!!
Congrats Steph!!! I hope all goes well.

Did your dr tell you what they are going to do for the baby once it's born? How do they get her off of the sub?

i love you so my my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please dont post ANY pics of you on here................

direct your friends to you page............through email..............

Jewels..............i am sure stephy would be happy to emial you her special page.....**wink****wink***.......

i LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have an appointment with my sub doctor soon, but when I ask her she told me that the baby will be fine once its born. Withdrawls from sub arent as bad as withdrawls from pain pills because sub is a partial antagonist not a full blown antagonist like pain pills. But when I go I will talk to her more about when the baby is born and what I should expect. The doctor just didn't want me to get off of it when I was first pregnant because the baby was too little in gestation.
I'm happy to hear that your baby will be ok Stephanie. You're a good mom.