Swiss Cheese Brain

People who do not want to wait for old age to shrink their brains and bring on memory loss now have a quicker alternative - abuse methamphetamine for a decade or so and watch the brain cells vanish into the night. Meth is more addictive and toxic than heroine, cocaine or alcohol, and causes functional lesions, metabolic holes, in the brain, I went to a workshop about Drugs and the speaker was talking about meth. He said 23 year old man was being chased by the police and died. They did an autopsy on him they were amazed at what they found when they examined his brain. It looked like a elderly brain with mad cow disease. Which is called swiss cheese brain. The only explanation for his brain looking like that was meth use. He died from a heart attack. So for anyone thinking whether they should continue using meth I would consider what it does to your brain. For more informatiom on this subject just put meth and the brain in googles search and all kinds of information will come up. I haven't done meth in almost 6 years, however I did it for 18 years of my 20 years of drug abuse and when I hear information like this it scares me.
Recovery Happens
Recovery Happens,

Thank You for posting that info. I need all the info on this meth addiction. My husband is not doing very good in rehab. He is going through "Flare Ups". He has a very bad attitude & thinks he is superior to all who are in there. He is walking on ice as I type. He should have been kicked out of rehab last week. I spoke to his advisor today. I am concern that he will not make it. He told me, I should concentrate on my own recovery (ala-non) & not worry about my husband. I had brought it up to his attention that maybe it would be a good idea to sign him up for an add'l 30 days (total of 90 days). He suggested : lets concentrate on getting him graduated from 60 days (instead of getting kicked out). He did'nt think he is ready to even think about doing add'l 30 days. He also told me that his addition is his problem. I believe it's a family problem. I just want to help. More than any thing I want a drug free family. Well I must go I have to go pick up munchkins (my kids) from school.

RH, thank you so much for posting info.
& web sites that we can all learn from. God Bless you, tsr
Hi tsr,
I am sorry you and your husband are having a hard time. Meth is a hell addiction to try and kick. My heart and Prayers go out to you and your family.There is a process to thing called recovery and it goes in stages. There is a lot of fear that goes through the addicts mind. There is a period of grief of loss At first we are in denial. Denial is a psychological buffer that protects us from knowlege or feelings we're not ready to deal with. Denial buys us time so we can slowly begin to face the reality of the situation. When we begin to attain a mental understanding that the loss did happen( and for a drug addict to give up their drug it is a very emotional loss) then we turn to anger. We become angry that we can't control our own behavior and feelings. Then there is sorrow, despair and depression. This is the time we need to feel our feelings and allow yourself to cry. Then bargaining a desperate attempt to stay in control. Trying to control ones use is the time people may relapse they start to think I can do it one more time I'm in control. Then comes the acceptance that they are powerless over drugs. One might think that, since drugs have done so much damage in their lives, they should be happy to give them up. However, for most of us it is like giving up a best friend something that we could always count on to take away pain. I know this is very hard for you and your husband it just takes time and RECOVERY DOES HAPPEN.
Love and support,
Hello all,

I feel your pain of loved ones using/abusing this horrible drug. Firstly let me explain that I have and occassionally do use this drug during my schooling for cram sessions and studying. I know first hand the addictive potential of thius drug because I was addicted for nearly 6 months.

Yes, I am or rather was addicted; and yes I occassionally do use the substance in order to cram for my exams, and socially to go clubbing. This I know is bad, and I am not going to try and explain my justification for it, especially I am sure you all think that it is the devil.

Now about the brain to swiss cheese theory. This theory altho not disproven yet, is very, very strongly biased. First off if you look at studies of children placed on dexitrine, or desoxyin (first because very closely related stimulant, and the seon being meth without the methyl goup...therefore just an amphetamine) you will see continual daily use does not actually put hole in individuals brains. One of my professors at University suggested during one of my research topic doing an adverse study show that methamphetamines do not cause the majority of harm. Anyways apparently it is the cut and impurities located in the "meth" or "ICE" that actually cause these defects. I actually took a CAT scan that showed my brain has no substantial brain damage. In fact I did have one dark area which was potentially damaged neurons however it was explained to me that it was probably done ealier in my life. This made sense to me since I played hockey while I was younger and sustained... 2 major bloows resulting in loss of conciousness. This is what I assume caused it however it is impossible to tell.

This is just let everyone that there is hope. If you know that your supply of drugs is clean or cleaner than perhaps the previously posted message will not discourage you from quitting. To the people that do not know how to test there purity here is 2 methods:
1) You can place som on a glass surface and then light a ligher. place the lit ligher under the "meth" about 1.5 inchs away. make sure that it does not have a HUGE flame but rather a small-med. one. Because if you over heat it than it will "burn" and cause part of the molecule to fragment. If the glass surface is 100% clean no wipeing at all, than your smoking pure ice. notice that this is inevitably never happen due to the nature of the producion of the drug... bathrooms or such... and even something like oil from your hands will actually cause a ring on the bun mark. if there is a black mark.. you are smoking something weird and STOP, because it will put holes in your brain.

**also on a side note. Methamphetamines are at its pure form a clear crystaline structure. If it is not white/clear it is unpure and probably will harm you more than the pure form.

2) repeat the above excersise but this time obtain a good scientific grade thermometer. One that reachs from 0'C to around 250'C should do. Place the thermometer between the lighter and the glass surface. make sure you remark where exactly the temp is when the Meth melts (usually if you melt it down into 1 larger puddle it works better because heat is evently distrubted). If the substance melts at around 170-15'C depending on the salt form if it is actually "meth" or some other amphetamine. However regardless if it melt at around this... than it might be pure than most... if it melts at much higher... than it is not meth or there is major cuts/impurities in it... watch out...

In my final statements I would like to address the peopel who will inevitably critisize my post, saying I am an addict or that I am on a path to destruction. Some might even think that I encourag methamphetamin use, or maybe sell meth to young children. Let me address this by saying; I do not or have I ever sold drugs, not to children not to grandmothers, and not to street kids... Absolutly NO ONE... now as for a destructive path, I might agree with that however it is nothing to do with my drug use, but rather my chosen educational program. Medical school is hard, stressful, and just plain hard; upon graduation it is no better because the job is all the same except with law suits and even less sleep and more stress. dangerous path... yes, due to drugs.. 100% not. Encouraging people to do drugs... Well no, but in the same statement yes; this is because I encourage an give tylenol to my friend if they have headaches, and tylenol is a drug, so is coffee; howvere as far as encourgaing methamphetamine use... 110% NO.. I do actually discourage it simply due to the addictive nature. However if someone is going to do the drug I do ot see it as wrong as long as they do not become addicted.

Yes, that statement is weird because meth is very addictive, even I was addicted, but I have also beaten it by my self with my resolve. There is nothing wrong with doing this drug if you are prescribed, so why are social user have a negative stigma attached? BECAUSE ppl are bad, by nature we are and perhaps meth brings that out in the individuals more than non-use. Anywyas I hope all your loved ones have the self-resolve to beat this drug and they are in my prayers. Thanks for reading, if you have a specific question or wish to tell me I am wrong do not hesitate to do so; each individual has the right to their opinion; howvere if you are not constructiv with your critism I will just trash it.


P.S. is my email if you essentially need me
How do you say you have beaten it when you continue to use???? just because you only use while you think you need it??? How clear do you think your thoughts are while high?? pretty good I imagine, Well a lot of us only thought we used only when we needed it , or to get us through those "times of need" , could be you are one of the 80% roughly that can use it , say you dont need it , and move on , but maybe not. ya, I really am impressed(not) with the fact you think the hours and effort involved in your chosen proffession justify your "using " some from time to time ......I just hope you arent my nurse when I am in the hospital , because it is real easy to get overconfident and make HUGE mistakes while under the influence of meth, So I dont give a s*** if your brain isnt cottage cheese, Mistakes due to being tired are one thing, A mistake involving another persons life due to YOUR decision to use meth are unforgiveable. just my opinion .
Firsts off,

I have a moral and ethical standard not only because my profession dictates thta I must or I could be sued; but also bcause I think that it is essential for the individual in order to truely know who they are. This being said, I would never ever let my occassional use of methamphetamines play any role in my job. In fact when I do start practicing I am actually going to stop completely (or that is the plan) due to the fact I would probably kill myself if I hurt someone while under the influence of meth or even worse not help someone. When you are a doctor, you are on call 24 hours a day, (well theoretically your "not" but if you see somone bleeding liek any good citizen you rise to your duty)... and It is unacceptable for a docto to be on drugs. This being said...

Would you discriminate against a child with ADD, for taking ritalin, dextrine, or desoxyin? Did you know that doctors that work the 16-20 hour days, tend to use stimulants... albeit medically prescribed ones? I am not saying all of them.. by all mean thta would be false, but some do especially if you HAVE to be awake or people could die....By all means I am not making a direct comparing doctors occassional use of stimulants to stay awake and functional during those long day to methamphetamines; howveer do you think that it is wrong of thm to do that? What about doctors that drink coffee...? Ya that is what I thought, it is ok for coffee but not meth... and I agree but it the same sense they have basically the same side effects. I think doctors shouldn't do any of these things that might hinder there preformance at work, but in order for that to happen we would need to fix th healthcare system.

What th point of this post is, just to say that drugs are not the only contributing factor to any situation. It is a culmination of many factors and independent variable. As for you saying I am not recovered completely? I agree... I do use meth occassionally altho I have my demons under control.. and hopefully It will continue to be that way. I do not appreciate you underlying sarcasim that you have made in your post... altho I respect why you are making it. You probably are bitter at the fact that He actually posted on this board, a post not making it seem like meth is the scourge of this earth..... Howveer I do not feel that way, and am ntitled to my opinon... just as you are entitled to being sarcastic towards me/my post..

P.S. If you feel this way then... what do you think about tylenol, cigarettes, alcohol, caffine, or any substance that effects your CNS? Well I do not think it the substances fault it is th individuals and although it is horrible acknowledge, it is true. I am th only one to blame for my mistakes... blaming social upbring... color, creed, race, religion is all hog wash... it is YOU ultimately how must take responsibility for your actions. I can justify mine to my self, so I am fine... Can you justify your vices (anything I previously mentioned)?If so than perfect we have no quarrel.... If you cannot and still do do them.. then I think your logic is flawed and maybe a re-evaluation of your values and stances are required...

Your loved ones are in my prayers,
you are right, we have no quarrel, I wont address anyone who equates caffeine, and tylenol with meth, especially someone who is going into the health field .
Ditto JOM, I was an E.M.T. for 4 years before I became an addict. I always knew meth was poisenous to the body and mind. I tried to discourage friends and younguns from experimenting. I knew how fast I became a slave of meth and sure tried to keep others from repeating my mistake....Linda
whew!! your day wore me out !! hahaha. just want to thank you for your ditto , for the first time I felt like I wasnt being understanding of someone elses attitude. More like I was somewhat enraged, and now when I feel anger I always have to try and decide which is just me making a stand for what I believe, and what is "no more meth" rage. Sometimes I miss that "all confident" type feeling meth would give me . I know better now , it just freaks me that someone in the health field would have such a nonchalant attitude about something we know to be so serious the risk of being judgemental should I say "can you say denial??" oh well ....I cant please everyone, bound to piss on a few ppl's parades. where are our resident experts on recovery??? recovery happens, where are you?? Linda , you get some rest, you wear me out. hehe charmed1, no more lurkey charms for you , not till you check in ....we miss yer majikly deeeeliscious words!!! peace