Switching From Methadone Liquid To Wafers

I switch from liquid to the wafers two days and I feel like crap. I always thought that the wafers are stronger and hold you way longer. That is not case so far, Do I just need time for these to build up in my system? I have taken the 10 milligram pills when I in the hospital and those are AMAZING way stronger then the liquid kick in just as fast and they hold me for 2 days. Where the liquid barely holds me 24 hours. Everyone told the wafers would hold me way longer as well just don't know why I am struggling so hard. Any help with this is extremely appreciated!
The wafers take longer to take effect so people seem to think it last or hold you longer the hospital methadone maybe a better quality the mgs should be the same I have patients who tend to mind E%## themselves all the time if they think their on a lower dose they come in complaining till they find out nothings changed Behavioral is a big part of methadone treatment.