
Can anyone help me. my husband is a drug addict, i think pain pills or coke. what are both symtons. Does it effect intercouse. just curious.
Christine...hi...I would have to say one big clue is does he sleep at night? I have had problems with drugs in the past and I could never sleep at night..both opiates and cocaine give you I didnt eat very much..and moody..moody moody....what makes you suspision its pain pills or coke? Lynn
i have caught him before doing one or the other. he sleeps at night, but i think he is taking something to make him sleep. it is not a normal sleep. i dont know what he is taking now. he doen't seem to care about me or kids. when if ask him if he is using of course he tells me he is not doing anything. but i know better. i can see it. he doen't have any interest in making love to me anymore, just wondering if it is drugs or another women.
I always knew when my ex bf was doing heroin or some other kind of opiate as he had no interest in sex whatsoever and he'd be the first one to tell me that it was due to his opiate abuse....