Tabies Addiction

Tabie is my baby girl, she`s 30 today and she has been fighting drug and alchaol since she was in her teen. shes a mother now with 2 very young children but alas she has slipped and fell again . I have had her in numerous drug rehab centers but she only stays clean for a while.What can you do for someone who wont or cant help themselves . Where do you go from here.I pray every night for her.and i have for years,sometimes I wonder if God is listning.
I can only offer you the hope that things can get better. My son is an addict who has been clean for almost 2 years. Before that he was addicted for about 20 years. My prayers are with you. Only GOD can handle this. Like my son says if anyone could have done it for him I would have cured him years ago. He finally reached rock bottom and got into a state run program that did what none of the others could. Until the addict takes responsiblity for themself and you let them it's a rocky road.
Dear Tabie's Mom, keep praying. Don't EVER give up!!!!
tthings are getting progressivly worse.I saw Tabie yesterday as I said it was her birthday,she is now missing.she dropped her babies off at their great grandmothers 84 yesterday at 3 o clock she hasnt been seen since we have searched everywhere for her and no one has seen her no car no nothing that is so not like her as she adores her babies so much. I can only pray for the best and think the worst. Please pray for my Baby girl.....Tabies Mom
please check out following web pg.
Mr Gellner has helped hundreds of drug, gambling, alcohol addicts all around the world. He can remove every addiction from your love once
over the distance. Most important part of it ,is, The addicts can not know about this treatment, they have to have the feelikng they achived it on they own. Probably you won't trust to this as I didn't, I came back to this web pg many times, and trust me I tried everything possible, cost me a lot of money, befor I decided to ask him for his help. It took 6 month for me to see first resultes, and now I'm enjoing full health without any addiction. That was the time I decided I'm going to help to other people get better.
to tabies mom, i am praying for you, i hope your baby girl comes home soon, you and her and her babies are in my prayers!