Taper Diary/part Deux

Never quit...so I've been told....stuck to 45 yesterday and when evening came it was tough...a lot of pain. I took an 800 motrin and lay on the sofa til I fell asleep...woke up at 3 A.M. with the creepy crawlies and eventually fell back to sleep. I will stick with this dose for a few more days...considering I was at 100 I am doing pretty good...the lower you go., the harder it gets...but it's not impossible. I'm sure a lot of the exxagerated pain is due to withdrawal factors so I just have to hang in until my body adjusts. The fact that I started another thread means I really don't want to fail(for all to see) I hope to God this helps someone else. I used to take 6 pills out for the day and now I take out 2 and cut them in 1/2....maybe I should try 1/4's so it fels like more. I nevr believed it when people said that mentally it was harder than the physical...how true! Your mind plays these tricks on you, tekking you you'll die w/o it! I tell it to shut up....have a good day all.....Sharonn
Good Luck Sharonn
Hey, the two Sharons!

SharonN, Why not cut them in fourths if it will make the process easier.

Hang in there.


(Dr. Ho's. Still laughing...)
Gina..I should photograph the box and send it to you...good ol' Dr. Ho.....I am so proud of myself. I have been able to take 1/2 pill every 4 hours. Soon I can cut that in 1/2 too!!!! Can't wait to be free!!!!! Tony said when I get off them he will treat me to a gym membership...I love the whirlpool and the pool...not only is it good for me, but keeps me out of the stores...I love to shop. I am so positive today....Please let it stay....Love, S P.S. Check your e-mail in 15 minutes LOL
Went down 5 more mgs. yesterday...40...I can't believe it. Woke up with some withdrawal but so what!!! I can do this...I really believe it this time. I pray to God to keep me going and not mess up.Flushing the extra pills was the key..I know I have no choice because if I take too much, I will be w/o and sick like a dog. Addicts simply cannot be trusted witha full bottle for sure...just wanted to gloat about my progress LOL...Sharonn
Gloat away, my bawdy wench. It's lovely to hear you so happy with yourself again -- you've certainly earned that right.

Flushing the extra pills was the key..

Yes, that's such an empowering act -- admitting you have no control over the disease but that you do over your actions. Good going!

Good old Dr. Ho. I got the pic. ROFL, Thank you. If you recommend it, I will order a unit for myself. I've been plagued by sacroiliitis all winter and aspirin just isn't cutting it. My GP recommended a steroid shot in the joint but I dislike needles intensely. (Anyway, I want the thing, if only to add to my collection of Engrish items, lol.)

Much love,
My daughter and stepson (both 28) had a ball with that one....they made fun of it and were merciless...so I put one of the pads on the worst offender and perhaps turned up the juice a little too high(oops) and....that was the end of the mockery. Yes, a sadist lives deep within my core.Seriously...it has been a blessing and has kept me from dwelling on pain.My daughter thought only "ho's could use it...smartass. Love, S
so I put one of the pads on the worst offender and perhaps turned up the juice a little too high(oops)

Note to self: Don't piss Sharon off.


That's it, I'm ordering one today. Dr. Ho's... A thousand and one uses!
user posted image
LOLOLOL!!!!! It's priceless...look how happy Dr. Ho is......

This review is a riot. "After watching the device in action, viewers will suspect that for epileptics Dr. Ho is not really dangerousit's merely redundant." ROFL

Sharon, I'm sure the TENs device works and I've used the Alpha-stim TENs unit myself in the past with good results. I'm just saying that Dr. Ho needs to fire his PR people and sign with a new agency (preferably not Ronco, LOL).
OMG, that is too funny for words.

I must have me a Ho gadget to replace my husband. He's gone when that baby arrives. LMAO.

40 mgs.people...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Geez...it is hard. The night is a real struggle and sleep is difficult. But I am not going down again for a few days...got to adjust. Because the tapering process is so slow..no wonder addicts can't stick to it. I don't necessarily crave a buzz...but I am having trouble dealing with pain so I am taking a substantial amount of motrin in between my "rations"...behaviorally some of it is beginning to stick...I am becoming accustomed to not looking for instant relief as before...a bad ,bad habit. So there is my update. S
You are doing great Sharonn, keep up the good work! You are an inspiration!
SharonN, I think it is a very hard lesson for us addicts to re-learn -- not looking for instant relief. I think that's why a lot of us switch addictions when we stop using drugs. I know that after I got clean, my smoking skyrocketed for a few months. Good for you for sticking with the taper. If the pain gets too bad, does Dr. Ho help at all? I know a friend of mine slept with her TENs unit on all night.

I must have me a Ho gadget to replace my husband.

OMG, KYSharon. ROFL!!! I never thought about that. Do you suppose it would work?

It's just me and "Ho' at night.....buzzing away in the bedroom...Tony is getting jealous...Only kidding. I don't use it at night as it really doesn't help the neuropathy in my legs and feet. That pain is indescribable. But I lived with it before so obviously I am capable. Now don't get me wrong...I get a severe case of the "F****-its" at least 3 times a day. But I know I will crave so I tell it to shut the hell up..literally out loud at times. Which of course convinces most people I have Tourette's or worse.I know I will be off some day but I don't want to sabotage my efforts by trying to do it all alone. If there were no pills there would be no choice. It's bad enough to feel like your jumping out of your skin when you're alone but I have a man in the house 24-7(excluding Dr. Ho) so how the hell can I focus when I am being asked where the remote is every 10 minutes!!!!! Arrrrgh! Time for him to go back to work.As my mom would say...."EEEEE-Nuff!"
I woke up with that crawly feeling all over me..for some reason it's always the left side of my body...felt like I was going crazy. I remember withdrawing from vikes back in the 90's and this would happen about 24 hrs after the last pill. It usually lasted for a day. So I didn't get up to take a pill...just didn't get much sleep. When I am awake I don't notice it as much. Anyway I guess I will stay here for awhile. My bowels(sorry) are an indication that I am in withdrawal mode. Whenever I feel sorry for myself I am reminded how I would feel if I CT'ed. Just writing down my updates..Sharonn
Good morning!

Keep writing them, Sharon, and congratulations on making it another day. I hated the skin crawlies worst of any of the w/d symptoms and they lasted longer than any of the others, too.

I'll say to you what you've always said to me, which helped a lot in the past.

This too shall pass.

What can I do to help? May I offer eye candy? I've posted three pictures of Tim on his thread to Kee Kee. LOL

Good morning my fellow wench...I slept like crap so I am particularly crabby today.......Ah...Dr Ho still sports his effervescent smile though(SOB).Maybe I have a viral infection or the flu but how do you distinguish between withdrwal and illness?Tony bought me a new monitor and it is weird typing and looking at this screen...so flat and far away.He wants to see "Ghostrider" and I would rather chew glass....so I will rest at home.I have 2 inch roots so I suppose I will tend to it. Dammit! If I wasn't so grey I would leave it. When I turned 50 I went so grey...along with all of the other lovely body changes....turkey neck, age spots...and oh....my eyes are so sunken in the morning they look as though someone used a melon ball scoop.......so I guess it's time to relinquish my vanity(yeah right). Have a lovely day dear...your friend (and Ho's mistress), Sharonn
S YGM....s
This should be getting easier...the physical part at least. Why would 1/2 pill get rid of wd symptoms 2 days ago and now isn't working well? Shouldn't it be the other way around. The only thing I could fathom is that the dosage in my system has finally bottomed out and there is nothing but what I am now putting into it now...that probably makes no medical sense, but I am reaching here. I really need some support and hope here....I won't give up.....come too far.S