
Hi everyone-
As of last Sunday I had been pill free for 4 weeks. I came across some pills and couldn't resist and got some. I rationalized it that it wasn't my doc and that I've taken this particular drug (darvocet) before with no problems (withdrawals). I only grabbed 6 and have taken them and of course now my wheels are turning and I'm thinking of calling my dr. tomorrow to get some pills. I've pretty much talked myself out of it, but lately I've turned to drinking instead of pills, it's just an endless cycle. I always have to numb myself.

Part of me is most definitely against getting pills, and then the other part of me is all for it, even though I've been down the road and know where it leads.

What kind of help do you want? If you want to stay clean, stop taking pills.

Please don't get any more pills! You took 6 darvocet... it's ok... just please don't get caught back up in the viscious (sp) cycle of pills. I am 6 days clean and it's been the hardest 6 days of my life. You can do this without any pills. As far as wanting to stay numb.. have you considered counseling? Maybe talking about the things that are causing you to want to stay numb will help?

Keep in touch. You can do this. Don't get caught back up in the life of pills. The high won't cover what is really needed in your life.

Much Love and Support ~
Hey Valley:

I know that YOU know the right thing to do.

And while it sucks to think of NEVER doing another pill EVER again right now, you KNOW you shouldn't go down that road again. I have been clean for 4 months and STILL crave and get tempted. It is a war honey, one you just gotta fight and gotta win.

Do what you know is right, not what you want.

pill free for 4 weeks? that is awesome!! dont go back to taking pills. You are free from them right now. no w/d's, no counting, no feeling like crap, no damaging your liver, no insomnia and no all that other BS that comes with taking pills. Hold on to your freedom and dont let go!! Dont make a mistake and take any pills. Do something else instead. You know you will regret it if you get pills so just dont go there!! good luck---fire
staying clean will be a daily struggle for as long as you let it be. don't call your doc. You can do this. Hopefully you know of the much higher power and if so go to him and tell him to help you. He will. TRUST ME. as long as :YOU trust and believe ask and you will receive. I will pray for strength and courage you need it. by the way stay out of places where you run across weaknesses and this won't happen. God bless you.

Hey honey,

You know what the right thing to do is....

You dont want tostart off at square one again...the thing that hit me right away is that you have the ABILITY to just phone your Dr to get more....

You left a road open instead of setting up a roadblock for the future....

Its always best to go into this quitting with the best of intentions that you wont relapse, but set up and prepare for the fact that one day...any day, you could be triggered, and when you dont have the ability to make a good decision, you want to have someone else do it for you...those are the roadblocks...

if your Dr knew about your problem ...you wouldnt be able to get them from him again, if you told your husband/friend/sister...they wont share or contibute in the future.....

Now you know....and like it says on my posts...when you know better....you can do better...


I say call your Dr......and tell him about your addiction. Burn your bridges, all of them. I did, and it comforts me to know that if I got into a situation like you are in now, I would not have the option of calling my Dr. Don't throw it all away because you screwed up and took some darvocet. Take care, Atlas
I think that you would be a perfect canidate for aa. Or NA. I am not a big book thumper, however, in dealing with wanting to be numb, it was the only thing that worked.
I saw others that were living without substances; something I couldn't fathom. Or even thought I was capable of. It gave me hope, and I learned that I don't have to do this alone.

I also strongly agree, you have to cut off your sources. All of them. Otherwise, y ou might as well just enjoy it until you're done.

Welcome....you are in the right place.
