Hi, I'm new here. First I guess I'll tell you all why I'm here. I went to my doctor this morning and without the $150 for the months appointment they refused to see me. I took my last 1/2 of an 8mg suboxone last night. I'm absolutely terrified of what the following days will hold. I rescheduled for Monday but if I can make it that long I'm not going back. I started using pain pills around 16 and by 18/19 was getting sick if I didn't have any. The next few years were awful. In '09 I had my son and decided I had to get help, a clinic prescribed suboxone. A couple years into being there I lost Medicaid because I got a good job. I decided the job was more important than my medicine and tried to cold turkey. It didn't go well and I found the doctor I'm with now. He is a wonderful Doctor. My bf of 10 years started using meth and adderal about a year ago and my life went to hell. A couple months ago I lost my job and insurance. He drug use (of course) became more important than us and I was having to call out to be home with my children on weekends and sick days. I have fault to get Medicaid but they say I will have an outrageous deductible. It is $1500 for 1 month coverage, $9500 for 6 months. If I had that kind of money I would get private insurance. I kinda knew this was coming, I could barely keep my medicine as it was but I'm so afraid of the wd I'm fixing to face. If I had someone to take my son I would go to rehab but I don't and I have to stay moving and take care of him. I guess my question is, what can I do to help myself through it?
You doing ok?