Thank You

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. If I could, I would hug all of you right now. I am failing at this moment, Uncle Vic was needed to help my pain.

I just hate feeling so crappy all the time. I will start my Clonidine patch tomorrow. I am hoping to achieve the success others have had with it.

As for my pain, I don't know what the doctor will be doing for it. I will be seeing him on June 13. since he has gone on vacation.

Life before pills is what I want back.

I am feeling very lonly tonight. I miss my lttle girl so badly, it just never stops hurting. My heart hurts physically all the time. I have my grieving parents meeting tomorrow, and that helps somewhat.

I am alone tonight, hubby is on call, so this board is keeping me occupied and I am getting strength from it. It's such a great place and nobody is putting me down for failing today.

I cannot thank all of you enough. My prayers are for all of us to succeed and get out lives back.

Love and lots of Peace,

I'm sorry for your pain, I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Take one moment at a time and give yourself permission to be human.

I loved your quote, it is very similar to my favorite quote with the same message::

"Failure is not falling down, it is choosing to stay down"
