Thanks All

Thanks so much for your kind words, yeh i guess people will understand especially if your a parent. I love my daughter with all my heart and just couldnt imagine live without her. You think you know someone well especially being with them for 7 yrs, but my ex is being right nasty and she knows the way to get to me is through my daughter.

Paul i replied to your opening its Davey from the Emerald Isle here.....i just wanna say i truely understand yer love for yer daughter as i said i have an 8yr.old and love her dearly .I had to make the tough decision for an addict i love smack more than my lil was a tough choice coz i was a functioning addict so thought my addiction wasnt hurting anyone but me wrong i was are smart and as my daughter got that bit older i think she knew sumthin was as i said i made the choice luckily im on a meth.script so giving up smack was more mental than physical for me.....just a titbit from my angle.Keep in touch mate there are some great folks on this site and will help you as much as they can.All the very best..........Davey

Cheers Davey,
Its so hurtful not being with my daughter all the time as ive known no other way in the last 7yrs, Im hoping it will blow over soon and I will keep taking my daughter as much as possible and the longer me and my ex stay away from each other the better for all as she has already been to the police and said I was raising my voice at her in the street and she is being so fly that she knows provoking me and knowing what I like, the police will end up charging me and that will suit her as my family keep telling me, if I end up in prison she would love that, and Ive been there done that when i was in my 20s, Its shocking how little support dads get when theres a messy separation betwen us as adults, Im just so worried cause she is a daddys girl and she will be missing me, my sister is away round to see her (ex) to see when and how long can I keep my daughter and hopefully let her be the 3rd party in this as I think she would love me to go away (prison). Im not going to do that My first priortiy is getting clean and then taking what s*** life throws at me.
Hiya Hatley, welcome to this site. I have read many stories on this site but never had the nerve to send one, but I can see people really really support one another. I hope things work out for you and you get to see your daughter as often as she wants. You have got to let your daughter see you are the best dad in the world and the best dad in the world doesn't take drugs, so come on, give your best go and get on with life. I have been there, wore the t-shirt etc etc. You won't be the first or the last to break free from drugs and a whole new world will open up for you. Believe me.