Thanks For Last Night!!!!

Hey guys thanks for last night I was struggling with the feeling of never feeling that high and I got on here and you guys kept me laughing aloud. I realized yesterday that I am doing more of that lately, Maybe the drugs were messing with my humor synopsis hee hee. Anyway took my mind off the pills and I was able to get some sleep. So thanks guys
Roxy, you are welcome...We did laugh our butts off on here last night...You have a great sense of humor...Now stay away from Glads willie today...LOL....
Are you kidding I am scouring the posts just to try and find him. I need my glad fix!!!!!!!
roxy you don't have to thank me for last night, now that the painkillers are out of my body "willy" is doin the Moon walk lol (-:
Glad--I just have to say you are too funny. You seriously make me laugh out loud. I hope that you and jr have been making up for lost time...just the two of you ;) Take care, hope to get to know you better!
I couldn't help but post to this one.
Amy that was a great response to Glad.
Glad don't over do it a wrist injury could affect your ability to post.
Roxy-hmmm do we want to know? (kidding) LOL
Sorry I missed out on last night.
Have a good day all.
justjane in my case i would cause shoulder injury, wrist injuries are for wimps lol
Ohhh! Now that's my kinda man. LOL You don't have a unhealthy body image do ya friend.
jane thats the great thing about the internet, you can be anyone you want to , i was thinking of naming myself Peter North, wuddya think jane? lol
I was thinking John Holmes. Peter North is good too though. You are a man of action now -lol :)
LMFAO....Glad, you are so damn full of it...LOL....