Thanks Kim V And Squirrel

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I appreciate your time. I am not afraid of her asking me to come back at this point because she is having to much fun. She said she would never ask to come back unless she was clean and I do not have hope for that at this time. I am going to try and go on with my life.
I am letting her have her computer on wed which is her livlihood, I am still paying on part of the purchase-she says she will pay me back. I don't want to take away her source of income. But sometimes I think I should-is this bad?
I also thought about calling her boss(2nd in command who is a recovering addict, not the owner of the company she would fire her in a second) and telling her the story. Does this sound like some form of revenge or tough love.? No money, no drugs- well not as much. thanks again, you people are lovely.
Hi Advice, Well I would keep the computer until she pays you back what she owes you, but that is just me, I know it is hard when you care about someone to be tough, I wouldn't call her boss though if she gets bad enough she will dig her own grave.Or it could just back fire and get her really mad at you and you do need to be there if she gets help, IF SHE GETS HELP that is. don't let her walk all over you.You seem like a very nice person and it sounds to me I could be wrong that she is just using you. I don't know enough to say that it just sounds like it from your posts. God Bless let us know how you make out. Kim V
I agree with Kim V. I would make her be a responsible grown up, as addicts are usually emotionally, and mentally immature, by holding the computor until she gets it paid. I also agree with Kim in the fact that you shouldn't invovle her employer. trust me, if her employer is a recovering addict it is only a matter of time before her employer figures it out, as an addict can read another addict like a well read book, so I think that will take care of itself. It must be very hard to lose someone you care about to such a terrible disease. I will have her in my prayers.