
When I posted the Valium topic never did I think it would get so many responses or spur some contraversary.

I just want too thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support. I am also thankful for the responses from people who were trying to "set me straight."

Ultram is my DOC. I OD on some meds for the thrill; not for the high. When I mean the thrill I mean I get a rush from hurting myself.

I did call my dr. I am in New York now visiting my family but when I get back I have an appt to see him. He started me on Abilify. I am also starting therapy when I get back to Florida.

I don't want any more Ultram. I don't want to OD on any medication either. I learned my lesson and I learned I have a HUGE problem. I OD'd on Sinequan; a Tricyclic antidepressant. Sinequan overdoses kill.

I am also taking steps to improve my life. Will write more about that later.

I haven't had an Ultram in almost 3 weeks and Sunday will be 2 weeks since the overdose. I am doing pretty well and feeling very hopefull.

Well, it's 4am in the morning here so maybe I should lie down and try to sleep.

Thanks again.

hey liz
glad to see you post again.
keep up the good work! jewels
Great attitude and results
Liz I still stand by what I said & I dont say this to be mean but I really believe you need inpatient care.Your post Ill say it flat out...Scare me so much.
See Ultram was my DOC & Im on Suboxone for that & health issues.
But I really think you need to be IN REHAB....
With respect Molly
I had no idea that Ultram was so addictive! Thanks for the info. Good luck!
Hi yes its HIGHLY addictive.Before I went onto the Sub I tried many times to stop.The W/D was so bad that though Im ashamed to admit this....I actually took a weight & smashed my back bone to get something.When I went onto Sub(which I credit for saving my life)I was doing 20+ pills a day!!!
That was just so stupid.
Ive been on Sub for 2 years as I also have medical conditions too.
They say habit forming is what Ultram is but its addictive &* can be deadly!!!
I am 35 days clean of vicodin and I had a bottle of Ultram in my medicine cabinet that I have been taking every once in awhile for my back pain but after reading this forum, I flushed them, I want to be clean! I love being straight! I love who I am now and hate the person I was for 6 years.


I am so glad you posted. I have been so worried about you. Your valium post was a cry for help. Your post really affected me.

Get all the help and support you can get your hands on. Life is wondeful if you give it a chance.



so nice to see you posting.........

Bless your heart.
