You have all given me grea advice......and I know you are all right...... I dom't sleep or eat and I know I don't deserve what he is putting me through. I have been there for him when he has gotten into trouble and I know he'll get in touch with me again.
I didn't mention this because I was embarrassed, he had served 3 years in prison for drugs, got into trouble in prison for drug usage, so why would I think he would'nt use drugs now. He's been out for a year, the doctor wanted to put him in disability for his bipolar/depression....he lost his car, job opportunities because of drugs, he is a nurse and can't even get a temp's a shame because he is very smart. During this year that he has been out I have stayed away from him alot of the times, he has told me that he didn't leave me but that I threw him being with his cousin who is a low life and others just like him has made him stay away from me, I pray for his safety and deep down inside I know that if he doesn'tget help he will turn up dead or locked up.
Thanks agian.....
Marie I'm glad you have finally decided to look at things in a different perspective. You're not the one who threw him away..he's the one who decided to do drugs and throw things away, not you! And you're right, he'll either hit his bottom and decide to get help, or end up dead or locked up. Nothing you can do either way. I hope your day goes better today!
I am trying so hard, I'm not only hurt bu I am worried about him. It's funny I get gutt feelings about things and I am usually right. The last time I saw him I knew he would stay away I can't explain it, the same way I know that when he gets into trouble he will call me.
I don't know if it's the drugs but it was amazing how after maybe nott alking to me for days he would call like if nothing was happening.
I have never tried drugs but what an ugly world these addicts live in.
I know I keep saying this but writting to you guys is helping me get through the day.
I am trying so hard, I'm not only hurt bu I am worried about him. It's funny I get gutt feelings about things and I am usually right. The last time I saw him I knew he would stay away I can't explain it, the same way I know that when he gets into trouble he will call me.
I don't know if it's the drugs but it was amazing how after maybe nott alking to me for days he would call like if nothing was happening.
I have never tried drugs but what an ugly world these addicts live in.
I know I keep saying this but writting to you guys is helping me get through the day.
Marie, I know what you mean about the gut feelings...I get those too for some reason. Like two weeks ago when he was supposed to be at work and he didn't go, and lied to me about it so he could be sneaky and stay home to smoke crack, all day long I had a gut feeling that something was not right and that something bad was going to happen. And sure enough....I seem to know these things before they happen. I've always been that way, always known when a bf and I would break up, or have a huge disagreement. Thankfully now I have calm, peaceful feeling for now. He's only been clean for a whole week and a half but I know he'll get paid sooner or later and that'll be that.