That's It I Can't That This!

I sit here and read this over and over and over hurting!
For now I will find my support else where. When people
I'll be back. See ya later.
Dear Marina,You have my email so please you can lean on me.You've been a good friend & I would like to be the same.Take Care sweety....mj

Marina.......if i have done anything to add to you hurt I am sorry. In the beginning, I only wanted to speak up and maybe help put an end to the stuff going on.Or at least try to show how it is affecting some of us. That is just not possible. I wasted my time and am very upset about the whole thing more than ever. Looks like there will be a jam at the exit door. How sad.

Take care and don't let this or anything get the way of your recovery!!!

Love, Carol
Somewhere I read these wise words: Believe in your self and trust in what you know is right.

If you do not likewhat you see, ignore it. None of it is personal. This happens on evey web BB ever created.

Ignore the threads that bother you and go on with helping those who you are luck enough to be able to help.

Good words powerful, just stay out of the fray, you never know who you may help even if you dont realize it.

Great post, Powerful! Hope you listen to that advice and stick around, Marina. It's exactly what I try to do on here. If I feel uncomfortable with a thread, I just don't read it or contribute to it. God bless!

Marina, just look at it this way. Remember back in grade school, when there were a few school yard bullies who would pick on people? They did it because of their own lack of self esteem. It's not different as an adult. Be it in business, on the little league field or in recovery. People that pick on others do not feel good about their own selves. So they project that anger on to others. That is what you see. And some people stick up for themselves, which only furthers to piss the bullies off...because the bully can't dominate. So they move on to someone else they think are weaker. And sometimes they find them. But as adults, we are better able to defend ourselves. Just consider the source, pity them and know they need help more than you do.
So Danny, am I to assume then that the insults you threw out today is considered defending yourself? It was never my nature to pick on people in school, take up for them maybe. You crossed the line today. Do you have low self esteem?
Kat- If there was anyone who had more high self esteem, they would be hard to find. I stuck up for myself from the school yard bullies. Nobody messes with me. I'll call a spade a spade. Whats your story? Did you abuse? Come forward and tell us so we can judge as you do. Put up or shut up. If you do not, you are a coward. A user, an addict and a criminal. I don't want to hear "I have a bad back" or "My leg hurts"...walk a mile in my shoes lady. So, which is it? But if you are going to make a judgment on a person, unlike the fake Sharon, pass on the info. I offered to fax my med docs and got no response, because she couldn't read a med chart any different than d***, Jane and Sally...she was never a nurse but a pure out drug addict. A f***ing junkie. She took more meds in an hour than I do in a day and she is no nowhere clean. The Axis of Evil really thrives here. I take 3 Vics a day for very legit reasons, and I m concerned about it because I am no junkie. So Kat, what is your story lady? It must be cancer or somethingl If it it is, I'll email you my fax to show mw you med reports. Put up or shut up.
ok danny i see what catagory you fall under thanks for clearing that up.
Don't you ever adress me in this way, you idiot. You know nothing about me or my career. I am not now nor have I ever been a criminal. And what in the hell are you talking about doing a google search. YOu make no sense at all. All that you do is come on here posting your lies, showing just how stupid you are. I hope that your wife kicks your a** everyday. I would say that I hope she kicks you in the balls, but you clearly do not have any. You are a total piece of s***. I feel sorry for your wife. I think that she is protecting those kids from you, the phycho that you are. Go riding of on that horse of yours, you b******.

MY same answer from today,,,a**hole. And more slander to you. YOU do not know me or Kat, you f'n idiot.
I don't come here crying for sympathy buddy. But since you are interested in my condition I'll tell you. I have four ruptured disks and pinched nerves. I also do not use, unless you want to call motrin using. I handle my pain just fine, thank you. Do you see me coming here asking anybody to pity me? Hell no you don't. And talk about attacking! What a joke you are posting about the two sides of the board while you throw insults at people. I don't need to explain Sharon....a clean person in recovery. wtf are you even doing here? You come on this board and attack people's recovery? You throw lies out like you actually know what you're talking about. No surprise coming from the father of the year. f*** you
Danny, I think you are sadly in the wrong place. I'm tired of you accusing people on here of being junkies and/or criminals. I've tried to restrain pen and tongue, but I wish you'd take your show on another road. Respectfully (kind of), M.
I just wanted to thank you for your support earlier....thanks.......Bob
My God people, do you not see this? Somebody who comes on our board calling people f***ing junkies? that is how he sees all of us. You don't have to be my friend or a member of a possee to see how wrong this is.
I was gonna thank you for your words to me earlier, but just when I think you might be trying, you start your nonsence....Stop starting with the people I love.
Stop pointing the finger that your unwilling to point at yourself........Bob
Look at the first post here on this thread. I don't blame Marina one bit. I saw 3 people drop off today, Marina, mistyeyes and gottahavefaith, all by the way, that were about recovery and had given this newbie support.

Hmmm....wonder why they left?

When I say the people I love I mean everyone trying to get another day!!
I had a hard time getting one today myself, I have a new outlook and love for everyone here!............Cut it out danny!........Bob
I think it's just as offensive as you do Redd. I am very sorry for the state this board has come to. I dont like confrontation and abhor this kind of nonsense. However, this man does not have the right to come on here and slander anyone. He also does not belong in a place where the people here he considers junkies. It's very rude. Perhaps if he left everyone in peace then nice people could come back again, who imho are very welcomed and cared for.
Bob, I mean sincerely I hope everthing went good for you tonight. You are one tough MF and I knew you could do it...I had NO got yourself there without wheels..that in itsself, says something...we all feel weak at times and thats when we need a meeting. I'm glad to see you back, and I bet you feel 1000% better...way to go dude...I am actually proud of you...