Third Step Promises

I have been going to lots of meetings lately and have been focusing on the 3rd Step. I love these Promises as I know that when I am working a Program, I am connected to a spiritual source and my life flows. I led a meeting on Monday night and read this page. I love these Promises!

All sorts of remarkable things followed. We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well. Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs. More and more we became interested in seeing what we could contribute to life. As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.

Alcoholics Anonymous p.63
Thanks Rachel. You always offer such a great message.
Yes, Rachael....a very powerful message & the timing is perfect.....perfect for the time of year it is right now!
Hey Rachel....I'm just curious...Do you need a program to feel
more spritual, or is it something that comes to you naturally...
Thank you Rachel!

The I spent a months on this is so amazing read that!
I love that Rachel....thank you.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed that reading. It's one of my favorites. Seven more working days and then I am off for three weeks. Yay!!!

I'm so happy that you get 3 weeks off. You deserve a rest. Did you get my emails?
Yes I did, lol..
Do something fun for yousrelf Rachel.I do believe you're the type of person that has a natural disposition to spirituality.I certainly can learn from you.
I've learned so much from her Tim, you too. I am so grateful that you both are in my life.
Me too!
"...all our little designs and plans..."

They really are minuscule aren't they? In the big picture...when we are giving ourselves enough latitude for being human...and we can see our ego driven actions subjectively, all those little designs and plans are really unscripted tragedy, aren't they?

Silly, silly, silly, how silly we can be! It is so much easier in the flow too! We know this, yet, sometimes, we find ourselves resisting with all our might? And when we set our mind and heart to a higher place...aren't the "little designs and plans" so very, very, very, transparent and sad?

You always plant seeds for me Rachel! I will share my harvest with you, my friend! I am so glad you have 3 weeks off!!!! Ride that beautiful black bicycle on the beach for me! (I am in the river valley here, and can ride, ride, ride!)

I love you,


Way to go on three weeks off Rachel, can you share half with me? LOL Good things happen to good people.

We all face struggles in our lives, and jobs, and the one thing that helps me put things in perspective is reminding myself that some people are just born to be a*******. When you look at it like that, its really quite comical.

Yo ho, yo ho, LOL

Living with a chronic, incurable, potentially fatal disease, as we do, having hope is key to continued health. The Promises offer hope. I love them, too, Rachel.

Thanks for starting this thread.

A chronic, incurable, potentially fatal disease, okay, now I'm depressed, lol.
j/k Gina, however, I don't think I'll ever phrase it quite like that in casual conversation, lol.
Hope you have time to come and hang out on your vacation, Rachel. We need to get a new game going soon.
Kat, Diabetes is a chronic, incurable, potentially fatal disease, too. It just doesn't have that social stigma.

We all know how high the stakes are, for ourselves and for our families. Our thoughts, beliefs, and actions can put us into "remission," or a recovery that just makes life better and better. I know I'm healthier now than I was even before I ever used my first drug. LOL, Except for my skin -- but that's a function of age rather than addiction.
LMAO, oh great, Gina, now I have two chronic, incurable, potentially fatal diseases!
I'll have to change the cartoon now, lol.
Seriously, I know all that. It just struck me funny having to tell someone about it with that particular sentence.
Truer words were never spoken come you're so smart?

Yea, Rachel..start a thread about movie and tv trivia. The last one you did was so fun! If we can have song threads, we can have trivia threads!

And you are so right Michelle...some people just don't get it.
Lisa, Something my instructor told us that I'll always remember. She used to work with pregnant women addicted to crack and alcohol. They were so demoralized and in despair it was difficult to motivate them to change their situations and behavior in any way. She would tell them, "I'll have enough hope for both of us until you can have hope for yourself." Sometimes that's all you can do. (The burn out rate for SA counselors is huge.)

Have fun at your party.