I was done posting, but i wanted to share this. I went out back for a smoke & my 11 year old son is back there with about 7 kids, aged i think from about 3 to his age. so i went way in the back yard to see what they were doing. They are digging a hole. the little girls are watching & the guys conversation goes something like "Dude, do ya need my shoes" "no dude" "Hey dude gimme the shovel." this is too rich & it sure brings a smile.
its gonna be even funnier when his mother wakes up, cause already theyve dug about a four foot whole in the back yard.
i was going to post this a little earlier to littlebeach, and then you, you old dog, i read your story and wanted to share this with you also. this article was written by neale donald walsch, in 2003. mr. walsch has authored the Conversation with God (CwG) books, and other books on the topic of spirituality.
since embracing recovery and working the 12 steps, i have found a desire to broaden my spiritual journey through the writings of spiritual masters such as mr. walsch, wayne dyer, marianne williamson, to name a few.
i adored your story this morning about your children in the back-yard playing and hope you will sense the relevance of what I have posted below.
much love to you and yours -
- Are You Fed Up? - July 2003 - by Neale Donald Walsch
There is no better place to be than Fed Up. That's the place of new beginnings. That's the place of letting go. That's the place of "giving up." You are giving up what's been going on so far, and getting ready to create a new reality.
I know with all the talk of war and terror levels and how shall we respond, what is the answer, it's not so difficult to feel like giving up. If you feel like giving up, I'd like you to consider giving up one more thing; I'd like you to give up your idea that you can't find an answer.
I'm here to tell you that you can. God will never let you down, and if you have not received any response from God before it is not because He hasn't answered, it is because, like me, you have been unable to hear the response. But trust me. God is responding. Right now. And every day and moment of your life.
I have often heard from people interpreting CwG Book 1 to say that God "couldn't care less about your daily experience" and that God just wants you to "go out and play." That would be a mischaracterization and I don't want you to hang in there with that. God does care about your experience. God simply doesn't care how you go about creating it.
Imagine loving parents watching their children at play in the yard. They "don't care" whether their children play Tag or Hide-'n-Seek. It matters not to them what games are invented. But they do care about whether the children are safe, and having a good time. So they make sure the yard is safe, and, if the children get hurt and call out for help, the parents are right there, running out to the yard to see what's up, and to make everything better.
It is not so very different with God. She gives us the toys with which to fashion the most wonderful "games" (read that, life) and a safe place in which to play. Then, He leaves us alone to have our experience, and has absolutely no preference whether we play Tag, or Hide-'n-Seek. But if we call for help, God is there - right there - to make everything better.
That is not someone who "doesn't care" about our daily experience - that is someone who loves us enough to give us our freedom to do as we wish, and promises to be there for us whenever we need Him. Sounds like a pretty neat God to me.
So now, call on God to answer you. Ask God to show you a sign, give you some help, and provide you with some special insight that might help you now. But be on the lookout. Her response may come in a form other than the one you are expecting. It could be by the lyrics of the next song you hear, the story line of the next movie you see, the text of the next book that falls into your hands. It could be the chance utterance of a friend on the street, or a thought that comes to you in the middle of the night.
So watch! Look! Listen! For you do not know the Hour, nor the Form, in which God will come with your word of encouragement. For all you know, it could be something you read in a book somewhere...
since embracing recovery and working the 12 steps, i have found a desire to broaden my spiritual journey through the writings of spiritual masters such as mr. walsch, wayne dyer, marianne williamson, to name a few.
i adored your story this morning about your children in the back-yard playing and hope you will sense the relevance of what I have posted below.
much love to you and yours -
- Are You Fed Up? - July 2003 - by Neale Donald Walsch
There is no better place to be than Fed Up. That's the place of new beginnings. That's the place of letting go. That's the place of "giving up." You are giving up what's been going on so far, and getting ready to create a new reality.
I know with all the talk of war and terror levels and how shall we respond, what is the answer, it's not so difficult to feel like giving up. If you feel like giving up, I'd like you to consider giving up one more thing; I'd like you to give up your idea that you can't find an answer.
I'm here to tell you that you can. God will never let you down, and if you have not received any response from God before it is not because He hasn't answered, it is because, like me, you have been unable to hear the response. But trust me. God is responding. Right now. And every day and moment of your life.
I have often heard from people interpreting CwG Book 1 to say that God "couldn't care less about your daily experience" and that God just wants you to "go out and play." That would be a mischaracterization and I don't want you to hang in there with that. God does care about your experience. God simply doesn't care how you go about creating it.
Imagine loving parents watching their children at play in the yard. They "don't care" whether their children play Tag or Hide-'n-Seek. It matters not to them what games are invented. But they do care about whether the children are safe, and having a good time. So they make sure the yard is safe, and, if the children get hurt and call out for help, the parents are right there, running out to the yard to see what's up, and to make everything better.
It is not so very different with God. She gives us the toys with which to fashion the most wonderful "games" (read that, life) and a safe place in which to play. Then, He leaves us alone to have our experience, and has absolutely no preference whether we play Tag, or Hide-'n-Seek. But if we call for help, God is there - right there - to make everything better.
That is not someone who "doesn't care" about our daily experience - that is someone who loves us enough to give us our freedom to do as we wish, and promises to be there for us whenever we need Him. Sounds like a pretty neat God to me.
So now, call on God to answer you. Ask God to show you a sign, give you some help, and provide you with some special insight that might help you now. But be on the lookout. Her response may come in a form other than the one you are expecting. It could be by the lyrics of the next song you hear, the story line of the next movie you see, the text of the next book that falls into your hands. It could be the chance utterance of a friend on the street, or a thought that comes to you in the middle of the night.
So watch! Look! Listen! For you do not know the Hour, nor the Form, in which God will come with your word of encouragement. For all you know, it could be something you read in a book somewhere...
thanx for the post, i think i wish G-d would do something to show me something , but at the same time , i fear trying to begin to really live up to his expectations of me as a Jew, which is pretty tough if u read the Bible, & even those Jews who become Christians or Jews for Jesus don't get off that hook. In spite of that, I do believe he helps, at least a lot of other people, and maybe I just don't see him or hear him, but if his help is there for me, I'm not aware of it. I dont think.
I really believe God is closer than you think. He is working through you. I've seen you give people good advice. While our plates might be full, so to speak, we still try to help others, and that is God working through us. JMHO
Browndog, if it means anything to you, you were one of the first to help me on my recovery, your words of encouragement were just what I needed at the time.
Thank you
Thank you
Hey Browndog,
I will never live up to the expectations or standards that the nuns put in my head in Catholic school. They don't count though and what they taught was what they thought would scare us to GOD. I swear they were the only thing I ever remember being scared of as a child. I think god is in our hearts and ever forgiving of all our past transgressions as long as we can also forgive ourselves and make some kind of amends. Those signs you are looking for they are there.....trust me on that one. When I found out the hubby was using again I was going to toss him out. So I was doing the woman thing....you know the plotting and planning and obsessing......it was all I could think about. Well I was thinking while turning the corner in the hallway and whack I hit my head hard. Who in the world hits there head turning a corner.....I never have. Next day still obsessing caught the corner of the babys changing table, hit it so hard I was bleeding. Drying my hair I whacked myself this time (ok done that before rushing....but wasn't rushing this time) with the hair dryer. Well I got it then and I freaked out screaming in the bathroom ok you won he stays for now. Haven't hit my head since....Thank you god! Just keep looking maybe you got a sign like in the post with teresa recently you seemed to have alittle change of heart in her direction didn't you?
Well take care and keep looking with your heart......
I will never live up to the expectations or standards that the nuns put in my head in Catholic school. They don't count though and what they taught was what they thought would scare us to GOD. I swear they were the only thing I ever remember being scared of as a child. I think god is in our hearts and ever forgiving of all our past transgressions as long as we can also forgive ourselves and make some kind of amends. Those signs you are looking for they are there.....trust me on that one. When I found out the hubby was using again I was going to toss him out. So I was doing the woman thing....you know the plotting and planning and obsessing......it was all I could think about. Well I was thinking while turning the corner in the hallway and whack I hit my head hard. Who in the world hits there head turning a corner.....I never have. Next day still obsessing caught the corner of the babys changing table, hit it so hard I was bleeding. Drying my hair I whacked myself this time (ok done that before rushing....but wasn't rushing this time) with the hair dryer. Well I got it then and I freaked out screaming in the bathroom ok you won he stays for now. Haven't hit my head since....Thank you god! Just keep looking maybe you got a sign like in the post with teresa recently you seemed to have alittle change of heart in her direction didn't you?
Well take care and keep looking with your heart......
Tina, you are too funny!! I think exactly what you just posted happens to me all the time.
Sammy, you gave me what I needed to hear. I was driving at home after a day at a sadly immoral work place, where everyone is out for only themselves, and wouldn't think twice about stabbing you in the back. I was wondering why I try to strive for morailty, and doing the right thing, and actually caring about the other's feeling...when it seems that the world is really a selfish and sick place anyway..
Then I read that, and I remembered why I do strive to keep my side of the street clean.
I am holding the best gift I have ever had; my six year old is an angel, I swear. She is so sweet and kind; a perfect example of the way people should be. There is a book called the Indigo Children; I would bet anything she is one. I love no child more than the other, but my little Kaili is a little different. She is a light....a gift.
JohnDee, thanx, that sure makes me feel good & i hope u do well.